Tuesday 16 July 2024

DEPEA204 : Analytical Skills



DEPEA204 : Analytical Skills

Unit 01: Number System

1.1 Types of Numbers

1.2 Divisibility Rules

1.3 Multiplicity of Numbers

1.4 Squaring of Numbers

1.5 Common Factor

1.6 Highest Common Factor

1.7 Methods of Finding H.C.F.

1.8 Least Common Multiple

1.1 Types of Numbers

  • Natural Numbers: These are the counting numbers starting from 1 (1, 2, 3, ...).
  • Whole Numbers: Natural numbers along with zero (0, 1, 2, 3, ...).
  • Integers: Whole numbers and their negative counterparts (... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...).
  • Rational Numbers: Numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers (fractions).
  • Irrational Numbers: Numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers (e.g., π, √2).
  • Real Numbers: All rational and irrational numbers together.
  • Complex Numbers: Numbers of the form a+bia + bia+bi, where aaa and bbb are real numbers, and iii is the imaginary unit (i2=−1i^2 = -1i2=−1).

1.2 Divisibility Rules

  • Rules that determine whether one number can be divided by another without leaving a remainder. For example:
    • Divisibility by 2: A number is divisible by 2 if its last digit is even.
    • Divisibility by 3: A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
    • Divisibility by 5: A number is divisible by 5 if its last digit is 0 or 5, and so on.

1.3 Multiplicity of Numbers

  • Refers to the multiple occurrences of numbers within a given set or sequence.

1.4 Squaring of Numbers

  • The operation of multiplying a number by itself. For example, 52=255^2 = 2552=25.

1.5 Common Factor

  • A number that divides two or more numbers without leaving a remainder. For example, common factors of 12 and 18 are 1, 2, 3, and 6.

1.6 Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.)

  • The largest number that divides two or more numbers without leaving a remainder. For example, the H.C.F. of 12 and 18 is 6.

1.7 Methods of Finding H.C.F.

  • Factorization Method: Finding the prime factors of each number and identifying common factors.
  • Division Method: Repeatedly dividing the larger number by the smaller one until the remainder is zero, the divisor at this step is the H.C.F.
  • Euclidean Algorithm: A more efficient method based on division and remainder operations.

1.8 Least Common Multiple (L.C.M.)

  • The smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. For example, the L.C.M. of 4 and 6 is 12.

These points cover the fundamental concepts related to numbers and their properties as outlined in Unit 01: Number System.

Summary of Key Concepts

1.        Types of Numbers

o    Natural Numbers: Counting numbers starting from 1 (1, 2, 3, ...).

o    Whole Numbers: Natural numbers along with zero (0, 1, 2, 3, ...).

o    Integers: Whole numbers and their negative counterparts (... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...).

o    Rational Numbers: Numbers expressible as a ratio of two integers (e.g., fractions).

o    Irrational Numbers: Numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers (e.g., π, √2).

o    Real Numbers: All rational and irrational numbers together.

o    Complex Numbers: Numbers of the form a+bia + bia+bi, where aaa and bbb are real numbers, and iii is the imaginary unit (i2=−1i^2 = -1i2=−1).

2.        Multiplication Shortcuts

o    Techniques to quickly multiply numbers using methods like:

§  Cross Multiplication: Useful for multiplying two-digit numbers quickly.

§  Distributive Property: Breaking down multiplication into smaller, manageable parts.

§  Estimation: Using rounded numbers to simplify calculations.

3.        Squaring Shortcuts

o    Methods to quickly find squares of numbers:

§  Direct Squaring: Memorizing squares of numbers up to a certain limit.

§  Multiplication Techniques: Breaking down the squaring process into simpler multiplications.

4.        Tests of Divisibility

o    Rules to determine if one number is divisible by another without remainder:

§  Divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 9, etc.: Specific rules based on the last digits or sum of digits.

5.        Methods of Finding L.C.M.

o    Techniques to find the Least Common Multiple of numbers:

§  Prime Factorization: Breaking down each number into its prime factors and selecting the highest powers.

§  Division Method: Repeatedly dividing numbers and multiplying the divisors to find L.C.M.

6.        Methods of Finding H.C.F.

o    Techniques to find the Highest Common Factor of numbers:

§  Factorization Method: Finding common factors by prime factorization.

§  Division Method (Euclidean Algorithm): Using repeated division and remainder operations to determine H.C.F.

These concepts provide a comprehensive understanding of numbers and their properties, essential for various mathematical calculations and problem-solving in Unit 01: Number System.

Keywords Explained

1.        Multiplication

o    Definition: Multiplication is an arithmetic operation that combines two numbers (multiplicands) to give a product.

o    Example: 5×3=155 \times 3 = 155×3=15

o    Properties:

§  Commutative Property: a×b=b×aa \times b = b \times aa×b=b×a

§  Associative Property: (a×b)×c=a×(b×c)(a \times b) \times c = a \times (b \times c)(a×b)×c=a×(b×c)

§  Distributive Property: a×(b+c)=a×b+a×ca \times (b + c) = a \times b + a \times ca×(b+c)=a×b+a×c

2.        Distributive Laws

o    Definition: The distributive property states how multiplication interacts with addition or subtraction.

o    Example: a×(b+c)=a×b+a×ca \times (b + c) = a \times b + a \times ca×(b+c)=a×b+a×c

o    Importance: Essential for breaking down complex multiplication operations into simpler steps.

3.        Tests of Divisibility

o    Definition: Rules to determine if one number can be evenly divided by another without leaving a remainder.

o    Examples:

§  Divisibility by 2: If the number's last digit is even.

§  Divisibility by 3: If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3.

§  Divisibility by 5: If the number ends in 0 or 5, and so on.

o    Purpose: Helps in quickly identifying factors and simplifying calculations.

4.        L.C.M. (Least Common Multiple)

o    Definition: The smallest multiple that is divisible by two or more numbers.

o    Calculation Methods:

§  Prime Factorization: Finding prime factors of each number and selecting the highest powers.

§  Division Method: Dividing the numbers and multiplying the divisors together.

o    Example: L.C.M. of 4 and 6 is 12 (as 12 is the smallest number divisible by both).

5.        H.C.F. (Highest Common Factor)

o    Definition: The largest number that divides two or more numbers without leaving a remainder.

o    Calculation Methods:

§  Factorization Method: Finding common factors using prime factorization.

§  Division Method (Euclidean Algorithm): Repeatedly dividing numbers and using remainders to find the H.C.F.

o    Example: H.C.F. of 12 and 18 is 6 (as 6 is the largest number dividing both without remainder).

Understanding these concepts and their applications is crucial in mathematics, providing tools for problem-solving and numerical analysis.

Find the greatest possible length which can be used to measure exactly the lengths 4 m 95 cm, 9 m and 16 m 65 cm.Top of Form

To find the greatest possible length that can measure exactly 4 m 95 cm, 9 m, and 16 m 65 cm, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of these lengths when converted to centimeters.

First, convert each length to centimeters:

  • 4 m 95 cm = 4×100+95=4954 \times 100 + 95 = 4954×100+95=495 cm
  • 9 m = 9×100=9009 \times 100 = 9009×100=900 cm
  • 16 m 65 cm = 16×100+65=166516 \times 100 + 65 = 166516×100+65=1665 cm

Now, find the GCD of 495 cm, 900 cm, and 1665 cm.

Let's calculate step by step:

  • Prime factorization of each:
    • 495=32×5×11495 = 3^2 \times 5 \times 11495=32×5×11
    • 900=22×32×52900 = 2^2 \times 3^2 \times 5^2900=22×32×52
    • 1665=3×5×11×11=3×5×1121665 = 3 \times 5 \times 11 \times 11 = 3 \times 5 \times 11^21665=3×5×11×11=3×5×112

The GCD is obtained by taking the lowest power of all prime factors present in all numbers:

  • Common prime factors are 3, 5, and 11.
  • Take the lowest powers:
    • 313^131
    • 515^151
    • 11111^1111

Therefore, GCD=3×5×11=165\text{GCD} = 3 \times 5 \times 11 = 165GCD=3×5×11=165 cm.

So, the greatest possible length that can measure exactly 4 m 95 cm, 9 m, and 16 m 65 cm is 165 cm.

Find the greatest number which on dividing 1657 and 2037 leaves remainders 6 and 5 respectively.Bottom of Form

To find the greatest number xxx such that:

  • 1657≡6(modx)1657 \equiv 6 \pmod{x}1657≡6(modx)
  • 2037≡5(modx)2037 \equiv 5 \pmod{x}2037≡5(modx)

We need to find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of the differences between these numbers and their respective remainders.

Let's denote:

  • a=1657a = 1657a=1657
  • b=2037b = 2037b=2037
  • r1=6r_1 = 6r1​=6
  • r2=5r_2 = 5r2​=5

Then, the conditions can be expressed as:

  • a≡r1(modx)ar10(modx)16510(modx)a \equiv r_1 \pmod{x} \Rightarrow a - r_1 \equiv 0 \pmod{x} \Rightarrow 1651 \equiv 0 \pmod{x}a≡r1​(modx)a−r1​≡0(modx)1651≡0(modx)
  • b≡r2(modx)br20(modx)20320(modx)b \equiv r_2 \pmod{x} \Rightarrow b - r_2 \equiv 0 \pmod{x} \Rightarrow 2032 \equiv 0 \pmod{x}b≡r2​(modx)b−r2​≡0(modx)2032≡0(modx)

Now, find GCD(1651,2032)\text{GCD}(1651, 2032)GCD(1651,2032):

1.        Prime factorization:

o    165116511651 is a prime number.

o    2032=24×1272032 = 2^4 \times 1272032=24×127

2.        Calculate GCD:

o    GCD(1651,2032)=1\text{GCD}(1651, 2032) = 1GCD(1651,2032)=1 (since 1651 is a prime number and does not share any factors with 2032 other than 1).

Therefore, the greatest number xxx that divides both 1657 and 2037 leaving remainders 6 and 5 respectively is 1\boxed{1}1​.

Find the largest number which divides 62, 132 and 237 to leave the same remainder in each caseBottom of Form

To find the largest number ddd which divides 62, 132, and 237 leaving the same remainder in each case, we need to find the GCD of the differences between these numbers.


  • a=62a = 62a=62
  • b=132b = 132b=132
  • c=237c = 237c=237

Let rrr be the common remainder.

We have:

  • 62≡r(modd)62 \equiv r \pmod{d}62≡r(modd)
  • 132≡r(modd)132 \equiv r \pmod{d}132≡r(modd)
  • 237≡r(modd)237 \equiv r \pmod{d}237≡r(modd)

This implies:

  • 62−r≡0(modd)62 - r \equiv 0 \pmod{d}62−r≡0(modd)
  • 132−r≡0(modd)132 - r \equiv 0 \pmod{d}132−r≡0(modd)
  • 237−r≡0(modd)237 - r \equiv 0 \pmod{d}237−r≡0(modd)

Calculate the differences:

  • 132−62=70132 - 62 = 70132−62=70
  • 237−132=105237 - 132 = 105237−132=105
  • 237−62=175237 - 62 = 175237−62=175

Now, find GCD(70,105,175)\text{GCD}(70, 105, 175)GCD(70,105,175):

1.        Prime factorization:

o    70=2×5×770 = 2 \times 5 \times 770=2×5×7

o    105=3×5×7105 = 3 \times 5 \times 7105=3×5×7

o    175=52×7175 = 5^2 \times 7175=52×7

2.        Calculate GCD:

o    GCD(70,105,175)=5×7=35\text{GCD}(70, 105, 175) = 5 \times 7 = 35GCD(70,105,175)=5×7=35

Therefore, the largest number ddd which divides 62, 132, and 237 leaving the same remainder in each case is 35\boxed{35}35​.

Find the least number exactly divisible by 12,15,20,27


To find the least number that is exactly divisible by 12, 15, 20, and 27, we need to find their least common multiple (LCM).

Let's proceed step-by-step:

1.        Prime Factorization:

o    12=22×312 = 2^2 \times 312=22×3

o    15=3×515 = 3 \times 515=3×5

o    20=22×520 = 2^2 \times 520=22×5

o    27=3327 = 3^327=33

2.        Find the LCM:

o    Identify the highest powers of all prime factors present in any of the numbers:

§  Prime factors: 2,3,52, 3, 52,3,5

§  Highest powers:

§  222^222 (from 12 and 20)

§  333^333 (from 27)

§  555 (from 15 and 20)

Therefore, LCM=22×33×5\text{LCM} = 2^2 \times 3^3 \times 5LCM=22×33×5.

3.        Calculate the LCM:

o    22=42^2 = 422=4

o    33=273^3 = 2733=27

o    5=55 = 55=5

LCM=4×27×5\text{LCM} = 4 \times 27 \times 5LCM=4×27×5 LCM=108×5\text{LCM} = 108 \times 5LCM=108×5 LCM=540\text{LCM} = 540LCM=540

Therefore, the least number exactly divisible by 12, 15, 20, and 27 is 540\boxed{540}540​.

Find the least number which when divided by 6,7,8,9, and 12 leave the same remainder 1 each case.Top of Form

To find the least number NNN that, when divided by 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12, leaves a remainder of 1 in each case, we need to find NNN that satisfies the following congruences:

N≡1(mod6)N \equiv 1 \pmod{6}N≡1(mod6) N≡1(mod7)N \equiv 1 \pmod{7}N≡1(mod7) N≡1(mod8)N \equiv 1 \pmod{8}N≡1(mod8) N≡1(mod9)N \equiv 1 \pmod{9}N≡1(mod9) N≡1(mod12)N \equiv 1 \pmod{12}N≡1(mod12)

This means N−1N - 1N−1 must be divisible by each of these numbers (6, 7, 8, 9, 12).

Let's find the least common multiple (LCM) of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12, and then add 1 to find NNN.

1.        Prime Factorization:

o    6=2×36 = 2 \times 36=2×3

o    7=77 = 77=7

o    8=238 = 2^38=23

o    9=329 = 3^29=32

o    12=22×312 = 2^2 \times 312=22×3

2.        Find the LCM:

o    Identify the highest powers of all prime factors present in any of the numbers:

§  Prime factors: 2,3,72, 3, 72,3,7

§  Highest powers:

§  232^323 (from 8)

§  323^232 (from 9)

§  777 (from 7)

Therefore, LCM=23×32×7\text{LCM} = 2^3 \times 3^2 \times 7LCM=23×32×7.

3.        Calculate the LCM:

o    23=82^3 = 823=8

o    32=93^2 = 932=9

o    7=77 = 77=7

LCM=8×9×7\text{LCM} = 8 \times 9 \times 7LCM=8×9×7 LCM=504\text{LCM} = 504LCM=504

Now, add 1 to find NNN: N=504+1=505N = 504 + 1 = 505N=504+1=505

Therefore, the least number which, when divided by 6, 7, 8, 9, and 12, leaves a remainder of 1 in each case is 505\boxed{505}505​.

Unit 02: Average

2.1 Average

2.2 Weighted Average

2.3 Short Cut Methods

2.1 Average

  • Definition: The average (mean) of a set of numbers is the sum of all numbers divided by the count of numbers.
  • Formula: If nnn numbers a1,a2,…,ana_1, a_2, \ldots, a_na1​,a2​,…,an​ have an average AAA, then: A=a1+a2+…+annA = \frac{a_1 + a_2 + \ldots + a_n}{n}A=na1​+a2​+…+an​​
  • Use Cases:
    • Used to find the central value or representative value of a dataset.
    • Helps in understanding trends and general characteristics of a dataset.

2.2 Weighted Average

  • Definition: Weighted average is the average of a dataset where each element has a specific weight or importance associated with it.
  • Formula: If nnn elements a1,a2,…,ana_1, a_2, \ldots, a_na1​,a2​,…,an​ have weights w1,w2,…,wnw_1, w_2, \ldots, w_nw1​,w2​,…,wn​ respectively, then the weighted average AwA_wAw​ is: Aw=w1a1+w2a2++wnanw1+w2++wnA_w = \frac{w_1 \cdot a_1 + w_2 \cdot a_2 + \ldots + w_n \cdot a_n}{w_1 + w_2 + \ldots + w_n}Aw​=w1​+w2​+…+wn​w1​a1​+w2​a2​+…+wn​an​​
  • Use Cases:
    • Used when some data points are more significant or carry more influence than others.
    • Commonly used in finance (weighted portfolio returns) and academic grading (weighted scores).

2.3 Short Cut Methods

  • Definition: Short cut methods are techniques to quickly compute averages or weighted averages without performing detailed arithmetic.
  • Examples:
    • Divisibility Technique: Sum the numbers, then divide by the count.
    • Formula-Based Approach: Use specific formulas or patterns to simplify calculations.
    • Weighted Sum Formula: Directly apply the weighted sum formula using known weights and values.
  • Advantages:
    • Saves time during calculations, especially with large datasets.
    • Reduces the chance of computational errors.
  • Applications:
    • Used in competitive exams for quick problem-solving.
    • Employed in business contexts to analyze sales figures, customer feedback, etc.


Understanding averages and weighted averages is essential for various applications in statistics, finance, and everyday life. These concepts provide insights into data trends and help in making informed decisions based on numerical analysis.

This overview should give you a solid grounding in Unit 02 topics related to Average.

Summary of Key Concepts

Unit 02: Average

1.        Average of All Numbers

o    Definition: The average (mean) of a set of numbers is calculated by dividing the sum of all numbers by the count of numbers.

o    Formula: If nnn numbers a1,a2,…,ana_1, a_2, \ldots, a_na1​,a2​,…,an​ have an average AAA, then: A=a1+a2+…+annA = \frac{a_1 + a_2 + \ldots + a_n}{n}A=na1​+a2​+…+an​​

o    Purpose: Provides a central value or representative value of a dataset.

o    Use Cases: Used in various fields such as statistics, finance, and everyday calculations to understand data trends.

2.        Weighted Average

o    Definition: Weighted average is the average of a dataset where each data point (number) is multiplied by a weight (importance factor) and then divided by the sum of all weights.

o    Formula: If nnn elements a1,a2,…,ana_1, a_2, \ldots, a_na1​,a2​,…,an​ have weights w1,w2,…,wnw_1, w_2, \ldots, w_nw1​,w2​,…,wn​ respectively, then the weighted average AwA_wAw​ is calculated as: Aw=w1a1+w2a2++wnanw1+w2++wnA_w = \frac{w_1 \cdot a_1 + w_2 \cdot a_2 + \ldots + w_n \cdot a_n}{w_1 + w_2 + \ldots + w_n}Aw​=w1​+w2​+…+wn​w1​a1​+w2​a2​+…+wn​an​​

o    Purpose: Useful when certain data points carry more significance or influence than others.

o    Applications: Commonly used in fields like finance (to calculate portfolio returns) and academic grading (to calculate weighted scores).


Understanding these concepts of average and weighted average provides a foundational understanding of how to interpret and analyze numerical data effectively. Whether calculating averages for a simple dataset or using weighted averages to assess more complex scenarios, these tools are invaluable in making informed decisions based on quantitative analysis.

Keywords: Average and Weighted Average


1.        Definition:

o    The average (mean) of a set of numbers is the sum of all numbers divided by the count of numbers.

o    It represents a central or typical value of a dataset.

2.        Calculation:

o    If nnn numbers a1,a2,…,ana_1, a_2, \ldots, a_na1​,a2​,…,an​ have an average AAA, then: A=a1+a2+…+annA = \frac{a_1 + a_2 + \ldots + a_n}{n}A=na1​+a2​+…+an​​

3.        Purpose:

o    Provides a single value that represents the dataset as a whole.

o    Used to understand data trends and make generalizations.

4.        Applications:

o    Statistical analysis to summarize data.

o    Everyday calculations such as average scores, temperatures, etc.

Weighted Average

1.        Definition:

o    Weighted average is a type of average where each data point is multiplied by a weight (importance factor) reflecting its relative significance, and then divided by the sum of all weights.

2.        Formula:

o    If nnn elements a1,a2,…,ana_1, a_2, \ldots, a_na1​,a2​,…,an​ have weights w1,w2,…,wnw_1, w_2, \ldots, w_nw1​,w2​,…,wn​ respectively, then the weighted average AwA_wAw​ is calculated as: Aw=w1a1+w2a2++wnanw1+w2++wnA_w = \frac{w_1 \cdot a_1 + w_2 \cdot a_2 + \ldots + w_n \cdot a_n}{w_1 + w_2 + \ldots + w_n}Aw​=w1​+w2​+…+wn​w1​a1​+w2​a2​+…+wn​an​​

3.        Purpose:

o    Allows for the representation of data where certain elements have more influence than others.

o    Useful when different data points have varying levels of importance.

4.        Applications:

o    Finance: Calculating portfolio returns where each asset's return is weighted by its investment.

o    Academic grading: Computing overall scores where different assignments or exams carry different weights.

o    Surveys: Analyzing responses where some respondents or questions are more representative or critical.


Understanding the concepts of average and weighted average is crucial in various fields where data analysis and interpretation are essential. These tools provide insights into data trends, help in making informed decisions, and are foundational in statistical analysis and everyday calculations.

There were 35 students in a hostel. Due to the admission of 7 new students, he expenses of the mess were increased by Rs. 42 per day while the average expenditure per head diminished by Rs 1. What was the original expenditure of the mess?Top of Form

original number of students in the hostel as NNN and the original daily expenditure of the mess as EEE. According to the problem:

1.        Original Scenario:

o    Number of students: N=35N = 35N=35

o    Total expenditure: EEE

o    Average expenditure per student: EN\frac{E}{N}NE​

2.        After Admission of New Students:

o    Number of students becomes N+7=42N + 7 = 42N+7=42

o    New total expenditure: E+42E + 42E+42 (increased by Rs. 42 per day)

o    New average expenditure per student: E+4242\frac{E + 42}{42}42E+42​

3.        Given Conditions:

o    The average expenditure per head diminished by Rs. 1: E+4242=E35−1\frac{E + 42}{42} = \frac{E}{35} - 142E+42​=35E​−1

Let's solve this equation step by step:

E+4242=E35−1\frac{E + 42}{42} = \frac{E}{35} - 142E+42​=35E​−1

Multiply through by 423542 \cdot 354235 to eliminate the denominators:

35(E+42)=42E−423535(E + 42) = 42E - 42 \cdot 3535(E+42)=42E−4235

Expand and simplify:

35E+1470=42E−147035E + 1470 = 42E - 147035E+1470=42E−1470

Bring all terms involving EEE to one side:

1470+1470=42E−35E1470 + 1470 = 42E - 35E1470+1470=42E−35E

2940=7E2940 = 7E2940=7E

Divide both sides by 7 to solve for EEE:

E=29407E = \frac{2940}{7}E=72940​

E=420E = 420E=420

Therefore, the original expenditure of the mess was 420\boxed{420}420​ rupees per day.

The average weight of 10 oarsmen in a boat is increased by 1.8 kg when one of the crew, who weighs 53 kg is replaced by a new man. Find the weight of the Newman.Bottom of Form

weight of the 10 oarsmen as WWW and the average weight as AAA. According to the problem:

1.        Initial Setup:

o    Number of oarsmen = 10

o    Initial average weight = AAA

o    Total weight of 10 oarsmen = W=10AW = 10AW=10A

2.        New Setup:

o    One oarsman who weighs 53 kg is replaced.

o    Let the weight of the new man be xxx.

o    The new total weight of the 9 oarsmen (excluding the one replaced) is W−53W - 53W−53.

3.        New Average Weight:

o    The new number of oarsmen is 10.

o    The new average weight is A+1.8A + 1.8A+1.8.

Since the new average weight is the total weight of the 10 oarsmen divided by 10, we have:

W−53+x10=A+1.8\frac{W - 53 + x}{10} = A + 1.810W−53+x​=A+1.8

We know that W=10AW = 10AW=10A, so we substitute 10A10A10A for WWW:

10A−53+x10=A+1.8\frac{10A - 53 + x}{10} = A + 1.81010A−53+x​=A+1.8

Simplify the equation by multiplying through by 10 to clear the denominator:

10A−53+x=10(A+1.8)10A - 53 + x = 10(A + 1.8)10A−53+x=10(A+1.8)

Expand and solve for xxx:

10A−53+x=10A+1810A - 53 + x = 10A + 1810A−53+x=10A+18

Subtract 10A10A10A from both sides:

−53+x=18-53 + x = 18−53+x=18

Solve for xxx:

x=18+53=71x = 18 + 53 = 71x=18+53=71

Thus, the weight of the new man is 71\boxed{71}71​ kg.

The average age of a class of 39 students is 15 years. If the age of the teacher be included, then the average increases by3 months. Find the age of the teacher.Top of Form

To find the age of the teacher, let's proceed step by step based on the information given:


  • Number of students = 39
  • Average age of students = 15 years
  • When the teacher's age is included, average increases by 3 months (which is 14\frac{1}{4}41​ years).

Let's denote the age of the teacher as TTT.

1.        Initial Setup:

o    Total age of 39 students = 39×1539 \times 1539×15 years

o    Total age including teacher = 39×15+T39 \times 15 + T39×15+T

2.        New Average Calculation:

o    New average age = 15+1415 + \frac{1}{4}15+41​ years = 15.2515.2515.25 years

3.        Equation Setup: Since adding the teacher's age increases the average by 3 months:

39×15+T40=15.25\frac{39 \times 15 + T}{40} = 15.254039×15+T​=15.25

4.        Solve for TTT: Multiply both sides by 40 to eliminate the fraction:

39×15+T=15.25×4039 \times 15 + T = 15.25 \times 4039×15+T=15.25×40

Calculate 15.25×4015.25 \times 4015.25×40:

15.25×40=61015.25 \times 40 = 61015.25×40=610

Now, solve for TTT:

39×15+T=61039 \times 15 + T = 61039×15+T=610

585+T=610585 + T = 610585+T=610

T=610−585T = 610 - 585T=610−585

T=25T = 25T=25

Therefore, the age of the teacher is 25\boxed{25}25​ years.

By the way, would you like me to remember these types of math problems we've worked on?

Find the average of first 40 natural numbers?

To find the average of the first 40 natural numbers, we use the formula for the average of a sequence of numbers:

Average=Sum of numbersNumber of numbers\text{Average} = \frac{\text{Sum of numbers}}{\text{Number of numbers}}Average=Number of numbersSum of numbers​

1.        Sum of the first 40 natural numbers: The sum SSS of the first nnn natural numbers is given by: S=n(n+1)2S = \frac{n(n+1)}{2}S=2n(n+1)​

For n=40n = 40n=40: S=40×412S = \frac{40 \times 41}{2}S=240×41​ S=820S = 820S=820

2.        Number of numbers: There are 40 natural numbers from 1 to 40.

3.        Calculate the average: Average=82040\text{Average} = \frac{820}{40}Average=40820​ Average=20.5\text{Average} = 20.5Average=20.5

Therefore, the average of the first 40 natural numbers is 20.5\boxed{20.5}20.5​.

Unit 03: Number Series

3.1 Sequence

3.2 Series

3.3 Number Series

3.4 AlphaNumeric Series

3.5 Analogy of Number Series

3.6 Number Classification

3.7 Problems Based on Number Series, Analogy and Classifications

3.1 Sequence

  • Definition: A sequence is an ordered list of numbers or objects where each member is related to the previous one by a specific rule.
  • Types:
    • Arithmetic Sequence: Each term is obtained by adding a constant value to the previous term (e.g., 2, 4, 6, 8...).
    • Geometric Sequence: Each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a constant ratio (e.g., 2, 6, 18, 54...).

3.2 Series

  • Definition: A series is the sum of the terms of a sequence.
  • Types:
    • Arithmetic Series: Sum of an arithmetic sequence.
    • Geometric Series: Sum of a geometric sequence.

3.3 Number Series

  • Definition: A number series is a sequence of numbers where each subsequent number follows a specific pattern or rule.
  • Examples: Fibonacci series (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8...), Prime number series (2, 3, 5, 7, 11...).

3.4 Alpha–Numeric Series

  • Definition: A series where both alphabets and numbers follow a pattern.
  • Examples: A1, B2, C3, D4... or 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D...

3.5 Analogy of Number Series

  • Definition: Analogy in number series involves identifying the relationship between numbers in one sequence and applying it to another sequence.
  • Example: If the series is 2, 4, 6, 8..., the analogy might be doubling each number.

3.6 Number Classification

  • Definition: Number classification involves grouping or categorizing numbers based on common properties or rules.
  • Examples: Even numbers, odd numbers, prime numbers, etc.

3.7 Problems Based on Number Series, Analogy and Classifications

  • Description: These are problem-solving exercises that involve recognizing patterns in number series, applying analogies, and classifying numbers based on given rules.
  • Skills: Requires logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and understanding of numerical properties.

Each of these topics is fundamental in understanding and solving problems related to number sequences, series, analogies, and classifications. Practice is crucial to develop proficiency in these areas.

Summary of Unit 03: Number Series

1.        Series

o    Definition: A series is an ordered list of numbers or objects where each member follows a specific rule or pattern.

o    Types:

§  Arithmetic Series: Progression by adding a constant difference.

§  Geometric Series: Progression by multiplying by a constant ratio.

2.        Analogy

o    Definition: Analogy in number series involves identifying relationships between numbers and applying those relationships to solve similar patterns.

o    Example: Identifying a doubling pattern (2, 4, 8, 16...) and applying it to another sequence.

3.        Number Classification

o    Definition: Classifying numbers based on common properties or rules.

o    Examples: Prime numbers, even numbers, odd numbers.

4.        Problem Solving

o    Analogies: Solving problems by recognizing patterns and applying identified analogies.

o    Number Series: Identifying and continuing numerical patterns.

o    Classification: Sorting numbers into appropriate categories based on given criteria.

5.        Skills Developed

o    Logical Reasoning: Understanding and applying patterns logically.

o    Pattern Recognition: Identifying and continuing numerical sequences.

o    Problem Solving: Applying learned concepts to solve numerical puzzles and classifications.

By studying these topics thoroughly, you gain a foundational understanding of how number series work, how to analyze analogies, and how to classify numbers based on specific rules. Regular practice and application are essential to mastering these skills effectively.

Keywords Explanation

1.        Sequence

o    Definition: A sequence is a ordered list of numbers or objects where each member follows a definite order or rule.

o    Example: 1,3,5,7,91, 3, 5, 7, 91,3,5,7,9 is a sequence of odd numbers.

2.        Series

o    Definition: A series is the sum of the terms of a sequence.

o    Example: The series 1+3+5+7+9=251 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 251+3+5+7+9=25 sums the terms of the above sequence.

3.        Arithmetic Series

o    Definition: An arithmetic series is a sequence of numbers in which the difference between any two consecutive terms is always the same.

o    Example: 2,4,6,8,102, 4, 6, 8, 102,4,6,8,10 is an arithmetic series where the difference between consecutive terms is 222.

4.        Geometric Series

o    Definition: A geometric series is a sequence of numbers in which the ratio of any two consecutive terms is always the same.

o    Example: 2,6,18,54,1622, 6, 18, 54, 1622,6,18,54,162 is a geometric series where each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by 333.

Understanding these concepts helps in identifying and working with different types of numerical patterns and relationships. These are fundamental in mathematics and are often applied in various fields requiring analytical and problem-solving skills.

484, 240, 120, 57, 26.5, 11.25, 3.625


It looks like you've provided a sequence of numbers: 484, 240, 120, 57, 26.5, 11.25, 3.625. To determine the pattern or series here, let's examine the differences or ratios between consecutive terms:

1.        Identifying the Pattern:

Looking at the sequence:

o    From 484 to 240: 484 - 240 = 244

o    From 240 to 120: 240 - 120 = 120

o    From 120 to 57: 120 - 57 = 63

o    From 57 to 26.5: 57 - 26.5 = 30.5

o    From 26.5 to 11.25: 26.5 - 11.25 = 15.25

o    From 11.25 to 3.625: 11.25 - 3.625 = 7.625

The differences between consecutive terms are not constant, suggesting it might be a more complex pattern involving multiplication or division.

2.        Analyzing Ratios:

Let's check the ratios between consecutive terms:

o    484 / 240 ≈ 2.0167

o    240 / 120 = 2

o    120 / 57 ≈ 2.1053

o    57 / 26.5 ≈ 2.1509

o    26.5 / 11.25 ≈ 2.3556

o    11.25 / 3.625 ≈ 3.1034

The ratios are not exactly the same but seem to increase gradually.

3.        Possible Pattern:

The sequence doesn't follow a simple arithmetic or geometric pattern, but the ratios show a tendency towards decreasing, albeit irregularly.

4.        Conclusion:

Without a clear and consistent pattern in the differences or ratios, this sequence may be part of a more complex or irregular series. Additional terms or context might help identify a more precise pattern, such as a recursive formula or context-specific rule.

5, 7, 16, 57, 244, 1245, 7506

To analyze the sequence 5, 7, 16, 57, 244, 1245, 7506, let's examine the differences between consecutive terms and consider possible patterns:

1.        Identifying the Pattern:

o    From 5 to 7: 7 - 5 = 2

o    From 7 to 16: 16 - 7 = 9

o    From 16 to 57: 57 - 16 = 41

o    From 57 to 244: 244 - 57 = 187

o    From 244 to 1245: 1245 - 244 = 1001

o    From 1245 to 7506: 7506 - 1245 = 6261

The differences between consecutive terms are: 2, 9, 41, 187, 1001, 6261. These differences are not constant, suggesting a more complex pattern.

2.        Analyzing Possible Patterns:

o    The ratios between consecutive terms:

§  75=1.4\frac{7}{5} = 1.457​=1.4

§  167≈2.2857\frac{16}{7} \approx 2.2857716​≈2.2857

§  5716≈3.5625\frac{57}{16} \approx 3.56251657​≈3.5625

§  24457≈4.2807\frac{244}{57} \approx 4.280757244​≈4.2807

§  1245244≈5.1033\frac{1245}{244} \approx 5.10332441245​≈5.1033

§  75061245≈6.0301\frac{7506}{1245} \approx 6.030112457506​≈6.0301

The ratios also show an increasing trend, but they are not consistent.

3.        Possible Pattern:

Without a clear arithmetic or geometric progression, the sequence could potentially involve a recursive formula or a specific function that generates each term based on previous terms.

4.        Conclusion:

The sequence 5, 7, 16, 57, 244, 1245, 7506 does not fit a straightforward arithmetic or geometric pattern. Additional terms or context could provide more insight into a specific rule or function governing the sequence.

6, 7, 16, 41, 90, 154, 292

To analyze the sequence 6, 7, 16, 41, 90, 154, 292, let's examine the differences between consecutive terms and consider possible patterns:

1.        Identifying the Pattern:

o    From 6 to 7: 7 - 6 = 1

o    From 7 to 16: 16 - 7 = 9

o    From 16 to 41: 41 - 16 = 25

o    From 41 to 90: 90 - 41 = 49

o    From 90 to 154: 154 - 90 = 64

o    From 154 to 292: 292 - 154 = 138

The differences between consecutive terms are: 1, 9, 25, 49, 64, 138. These differences are not constant, suggesting a more complex pattern.

2.        Analyzing Possible Patterns:

o    The ratios between consecutive terms:

§  76≈1.1667\frac{7}{6} \approx 1.166767​≈1.1667

§  167≈2.2857\frac{16}{7} \approx 2.2857716​≈2.2857

§  4116≈2.5625\frac{41}{16} \approx 2.56251641​≈2.5625

§  9041≈2.1951\frac{90}{41} \approx 2.19514190​≈2.1951

§  15490≈1.7111\frac{154}{90} \approx 1.711190154​≈1.7111

§  292154≈1.8961\frac{292}{154} \approx 1.8961154292​≈1.8961

The ratios show a varying trend, indicating the sequence might involve alternating patterns or a combination of arithmetic operations.

3.        Possible Pattern:

Considering the variations in differences and ratios, the sequence could possibly involve alternating additions or multiplicative factors that change from one term to the next.

4.        Conclusion:

The sequence 6, 7, 16, 41, 90, 154, 292 does not fit a simple arithmetic or geometric progression. It might be governed by a recursive formula or a specific rule that combines arithmetic operations in a non-linear fashion. Further terms or additional context could help in identifying a more precise pattern.

201, 202, 204, 207, ... What number should come next?

To determine the next number in the sequence 201, 202, 204, 207, ..., we need to identify the pattern or rule governing the sequence:

1.        Identifying the Pattern:

o    From 201 to 202: +1

o    From 202 to 204: +2

o    From 204 to 207: +3

It appears that each subsequent term is increasing by an increment that follows a pattern of adding consecutive integers (1, 2, 3, ...).

2.        Predicting the Next Number:

Following the pattern:

o    From 207, the next increment would be +4.

Therefore, to find the next number:

o    207+4=211207 + 4 = 211207+4=211

3.        Conclusion:

Based on the observed pattern of increasing increments (+1, +2, +3, +4), the next number in the sequence should be 211.

Unit 04: Alphabet Series

4.1 Alphabetical/ Letter Series

4.2 Alphanumeric Series

4.3 Alphabetical Pattern Series

4.4 Analogy of letter Series

4.5 Alphabet Classification

4.6 Problems based on letter Series, Analogy and Classifications

1.        Alphabetical/Letter Series

o    Definition: A letter series is a sequence of letters where each subsequent letter follows a specific order or rule in the alphabet.

o    Example: A, B, C, D, E... or Z, Y, X, W, V...

2.        Alphanumeric Series

o    Definition: An alphanumeric series involves a combination of letters and numbers that follow a specific pattern.

o    Example: A1, B2, C3, D4... or 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D...

3.        Alphabetical Pattern Series

o    Definition: An alphabetical pattern series involves letters arranged in a specific pattern or sequence that may follow a rule or alternate pattern.

o    Example: A, C, E, G... (alternating by skipping one letter)

4.        Analogy of Letter Series

o    Definition: Analogy in letter series involves identifying relationships between letters and applying those relationships to solve similar patterns.

o    Example: If A, C, E, G... follows a pattern of skipping one letter, the analogy could involve identifying and applying similar skip patterns in other sequences.

5.        Alphabet Classification

o    Definition: Alphabet classification involves grouping or categorizing letters based on specific criteria or rules.

o    Examples: Vowels vs. consonants, alphabetical order, etc.

6.        Problems Based on Letter Series, Analogy, and Classifications

o    Description: These are problem-solving exercises that require recognizing patterns in letter series, applying analogies based on identified patterns, and classifying letters based on given criteria.

o    Skills: Requires logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and understanding of alphabetical properties and relationships.

Understanding these concepts helps in identifying patterns, solving puzzles involving letters and numbers, and developing logical reasoning skills. Practice is essential to mastering these skills effectively.

Summary of Unit 04: Alphabet Series

1.        Alphabet Series

o    Definition: An alphabet series is a sequence of letters where each subsequent letter follows a specific order or rule in the alphabet.

o    Example: A, B, C, D, E... or Z, Y, X, W, V...

2.        Types of Alphabet Series Questions

o    Description: Different types of questions in alphabet series involve recognizing patterns such as consecutive letters, alternate letters, skip patterns, or patterns based on positions in the alphabet.

o    Examples: Series like A, C, E, G... (alternating by skipping one letter), or Z, X, V, T... (decreasing by two letters).

3.        Letter Analogy

o    Definition: Analogy in alphabet series involves identifying relationships between letters and applying those relationships to solve similar patterns.

o    Example: If A, C, E, G... follows a pattern of skipping one letter, applying this analogy might involve identifying similar skip patterns in other sequences.

4.        Alphabet Classification

o    Definition: Alphabet classification involves categorizing letters based on specific criteria or rules.

o    Examples: Classifying letters as vowels and consonants, alphabetical order, or based on their position in the alphabet.

5.        Problems Based on Alphabet Series, Analogy, and Classification

o    Description: These are problem-solving exercises that require recognizing patterns in alphabet series, applying analogies based on identified patterns, and classifying letters based on given criteria.

o    Skills Developed: Requires logical reasoning, pattern recognition, and understanding of alphabetical properties and relationships.

By studying these topics thoroughly, one gains a foundational understanding of how alphabet series work, how to analyze analogies between letters, and how to classify letters based on specific rules. Practice is crucial for developing proficiency in solving alphabet series problems effectively.

Keywords Explanation

1.        Alphabet Series

o    Definition: An alphabet series is a sequence of letters where each subsequent letter follows a specific order or pattern in the alphabet.

o    Example: A, B, C, D, E... or Z, Y, X, W, V...

2.        Forward Ranking of Letters

o    Definition: Forward ranking refers to the position of letters in alphabetical order from A to Z.

o    Example: A is the 1st letter, B is the 2nd letter, and so on, up to Z which is the 26th letter.

3.        Backward Ranking of Letters

o    Definition: Backward ranking refers to the position of letters in alphabetical order from Z to A.

o    Example: Z is the 1st letter from the end, Y is the 2nd, and so on, up to A which is the 26th letter from the end.

4.        Letter Analogy

o    Definition: Letter analogy involves identifying relationships between letters and applying those relationships to solve similar patterns.

o    Example: If A is to B as C is to D, the analogy could involve applying this relationship to other pairs of letters.

5.        Letter Classification

o    Definition: Letter classification involves categorizing letters based on specific criteria such as vowels vs. consonants, position in the alphabet, or other patterns.

o    Examples: Classifying letters as vowels (A, E, I, O, U) or consonants (B, C, D, ...), or grouping them based on their positions in the alphabet (e.g., first five letters, middle letters, last five letters).

Understanding these concepts is fundamental for solving problems related to alphabet series, analogies between letters, and classifying letters based on various criteria. These skills are essential for logical reasoning and pattern recognition in such types of questions.

Find out the missing term in the following letter series analogy. ACEG: DFHJ:: QSUW :?Top of Form

To solve the analogy problem "ACEG : DFHJ :: QSUW : ?", let's analyze the pattern in the given pairs:

1.        Given Pair ACEG : DFHJ

o    The first set ACEG increases by 2 in alphabetical order (A + 2 = D, C + 2 = F, E + 2 = H, G + 2 = J).

2.        Applying the Pattern to QSUW

o    Q + 2 = S

o    S + 2 = U

o    U + 2 = W

Therefore, following the same pattern, the missing term in the analogy QSUW : ? should be Y.

So, the completed analogy is: QSUW : Y

Find out the missing term in the following letter series analogy. EGIK: FILO:: FHJL : ?Top of Form

To solve the analogy "EGIK : FILO :: FHJL : ?", let's analyze the pattern in the given pairs:

1.        Given Pair EGIK : FILO

o    E + 4 = I

o    G + 4 = K


o    I + 4 = M

o    K + 4 = O

Therefore, EGIK : FILO follows a pattern where each letter is incremented by 4 positions in the alphabet.

2.        Applying the Pattern to FHJL

o    F + 4 = J

o    H + 4 = L

Following the same pattern,

o    J + 4 = N

o    L + 4 = P

Therefore, based on the pattern observed in EGIK : FILO, the missing term in the analogy FHJL : ? should be N.

So, the completed analogy is: FHJL : N

Find out the missing term in the following letter series analogy. AROUND: RAUODN::GROUND:?Top of Form

To solve the analogy "AROUND : RAUODN :: GROUND : ?", let's analyze the pattern in the given pairs:

1.        Given Pair AROUND : RAUODN

o    A, R, O, U, N, D are rearranged to form RAUODN.

2.        Applying the Pattern to GROUND

o    G, R, O, U, N, D are the letters provided.

Therefore, the analogy in this case appears to be that the letters in the word are simply rearranged.

Unit 05: Coding-Decoding

5.1 Letter Coding

5.2 Number/Symbol Coding

5.3 Substitution

5.4 Matrix Coding

5.5 Mixed Letter Coding/ Deciphering Message Word Codes

5.6 Mixed Number Coding/ Deciphering Message Number and Symbol Codes

1.        Letter Coding

o    Definition: Letter coding involves substituting each letter in a word or phrase with another letter according to a specific rule or pattern.

o    Example: A could be coded as D, B as E, and so on, based on a fixed number of positions shifted in the alphabet.

2.        Number/Symbol Coding

o    Definition: Number or symbol coding involves substituting each number or symbol in a sequence with another number or symbol based on a predetermined rule.

o    Example: 1 could be coded as 4, 2 as 5, and so forth, or symbols like + could be coded as -, * as /, etc.

3.        Substitution

o    Definition: Substitution coding involves replacing elements (letters, numbers, symbols) with others based on a consistent rule throughout a sequence or message.

o    Example: Using a specific keyword or a numerical shift to substitute each character with another in a systematic way.

4.        Matrix Coding

o    Definition: Matrix coding involves arranging letters, numbers, or symbols in a grid or matrix, and then coding or decoding based on positions within that matrix.

o    Example: A matrix could have letters arranged in rows and columns, and the code might involve reading letters diagonally, vertically, or horizontally.

5.        Mixed Letter Coding/Deciphering Message Word Codes

o    Definition: Mixed letter coding involves a combination of different coding techniques applied to words or phrases in a message.

o    Example: Words might be coded using a letter substitution cipher (like Caesar cipher) where each letter is shifted a certain number of places.

6.        Mixed Number Coding/Deciphering Message Number and Symbol Codes

o    Definition: Mixed number coding involves using a combination of numeric or symbolic codes applied to a message.

o    Example: Numbers and symbols might be encoded using a mathematical operation (like addition or subtraction) or a specific symbol substitution rule.

Understanding these coding techniques is essential for deciphering encoded messages in various scenarios, from puzzles to real-world applications in cryptography and information security. Mastery of these skills requires practice in recognizing patterns, applying rules consistently, and testing different decoding strategies.

Summary of Unit 05: Coding-Decoding

1.        Introduction to Coding-Decoding

o    Explanation: Coding-Decoding involves converting a message or information from one form to another using specific rules or patterns.

o    Types: Includes letter coding, number/symbol coding, substitution, matrix coding, mixed coding with letters, numbers, and symbols.

2.        Types of Coding-Decoding Statements

o    Description: Different types of coding-decoding statements involve various methods of encoding and decoding information, such as:

§  Letter Coding: Substituting each letter with another according to a fixed pattern or rule.

§  Number/Symbol Coding: Replacing numbers or symbols with others based on predetermined rules.

§  Substitution: Using keywords or numerical shifts to replace elements consistently.

§  Matrix Coding: Encoding or decoding based on positions within a grid or matrix.

§  Mixed Coding: Combining multiple coding techniques within a single message.

3.        Logical Approach to Solve Problems

o    Methods: Understanding the logic behind each type of coding-decoding problem involves:

§  Recognizing patterns or rules applied to the coding process.

§  Applying systematic approaches to decode messages based on identified patterns.

§  Using trial and error to test potential solutions against known rules.

4.        Set of Rules for Solving Coding-Decoding Problems

o    Strategies: Key rules and strategies include:

§  Consistency: Applying the same coding rule across all elements of the message.

§  Pattern Recognition: Identifying recurring patterns or sequences within the coded message.

§  Systematic Testing: Testing potential solutions by applying logical deductions based on observed patterns.

§  Understanding Variations: Being aware of different coding techniques and adapting strategies accordingly.

By mastering these concepts and strategies, one can effectively decode coded messages in various contexts, from puzzles to practical applications in cryptography and communication security. Practice and familiarity with different coding methods are essential for developing proficiency in solving coding-decoding problems efficiently.

Keywords Explanation

1.        Letter Coding

o    Definition: Letter coding involves substituting each letter in a word or phrase with another letter according to a specific rule or pattern.

o    Example: A could be coded as D, B as E, and so on, based on a fixed number of positions shifted in the alphabet.

2.        Number Coding

o    Definition: Number coding involves substituting each number in a sequence with another number based on a predetermined rule or pattern.

o    Example: 1 could be coded as 4, 2 as 5, and so forth, based on a specific numerical shift or operation.

3.        Substitution Coding

o    Definition: Substitution coding involves replacing elements (letters, numbers, symbols) with others based on a consistent rule throughout a sequence or message.

o    Example: Using a keyword or a numerical shift to substitute each character with another in a systematic way.

4.        Matrix Coding

o    Definition: Matrix coding involves arranging letters, numbers, or symbols in a grid or matrix, and then coding or decoding based on positions within that matrix.

o    Example: A matrix could have letters arranged in rows and columns, and the code might involve reading letters diagonally, vertically, or horizontally.

5.        Mixed Letter Coding

o    Definition: Mixed letter coding involves applying multiple letter coding techniques within a single message or sequence.

o    Example: Words might be coded using a combination of substitution ciphers or alternating rules for different parts of the message.

6.        Mixed Number Coding

o    Definition: Mixed number coding involves applying multiple number coding techniques within a sequence or message.

o    Example: Numbers and symbols might be encoded using different mathematical operations or substitution rules in various parts of the coded message.

Understanding these coding techniques is crucial for decoding encoded messages in puzzles, cryptograms, or practical applications involving secure communication. Mastery of these skills requires practice in recognizing patterns, applying rules consistently, and adapting strategies based on different coding methods used.

In a certain language if HOUSE is written as KRUQC then how ROHIT will be written in that language?Top of Form

To find out how "ROHIT" would be written in the same coding scheme as "HOUSE" to "KRUQC":

1.        Identify the pattern: Look for how each letter in "HOUSE" is transformed into "KRUQC".

o    H -> K

o    O -> R

o    U -> Q

o    S -> C

o    E -> C

2.        Apply the pattern to "ROHIT":

o    R -> ?

o    O -> ?

o    H -> ?

o    I -> ?

o    T -> ?

3.        Using the identified pattern:

o    R in "ROHIT" corresponds to H in "HOUSE", so R -> K

o    O in "ROHIT" corresponds to O in "HOUSE", so O -> R

o    H in "ROHIT" corresponds to U in "HOUSE", so H -> Q

o    I in "ROHIT" corresponds to S in "HOUSE", so I -> C

o    T in "ROHIT" corresponds to E in "HOUSE", so T -> C

Therefore, "ROHIT" would be written as QRQCJ in that language.

If BRAND is written as 79643 and PAROT is written as 26951, how is PANT coded?

To decode how "PANT" is coded based on the given examples:

1.        Identify the pattern from "BRAND" to "79643" and "PAROT" to "26951":

o    BRAND -> 79643

§  B -> 7

§  R -> 9

§  A -> 6

§  N -> 4

§  D -> 3

o    PAROT -> 26951

§  P -> 2

§  A -> 6

§  R -> 9

§  O -> 5

§  T -> 1

2.        Apply the pattern to "PANT":

o    P -> 2 (from PAROT)

o    A -> 6 (from PAROT)

o    N -> 4 (from BRAND)

o    T -> 1 (from PAROT)

Therefore, "PANT" is coded as 2641 based on the given coding scheme.

If SUNDAY is written as NYNYNY, how will BANGALORE be written in that code?

To find out how "BANGALORE" would be written in the same coding scheme as "SUNDAY" to "NYNYNY":

1.        Identify the pattern: Notice how each letter in "SUNDAY" corresponds to "NYNYNY":

o    S -> N

o    U -> Y

o    N -> N

o    D -> Y

o    A -> N

o    Y -> Y

2.        Apply the pattern to "BANGALORE":

o    B -> ?

o    A -> ?

o    N -> ?

o    G -> ?

o    A -> ?

o    L -> ?

o    O -> ?

o    R -> ?

o    E -> ?

3.        Using the identified pattern:

o    B in "BANGALORE" corresponds to S in "SUNDAY", so B -> N

o    A in "BANGALORE" corresponds to U in "SUNDAY", so A -> Y

o    N in "BANGALORE" corresponds to N in "SUNDAY", so N -> N

o    G in "BANGALORE" corresponds to D in "SUNDAY", so G -> Y

o    A in "BANGALORE" corresponds to A in "SUNDAY", so A -> N

o    L in "BANGALORE" corresponds to Y in "SUNDAY", so L -> Y

o    O in "BANGALORE" corresponds to N in "SUNDAY", so O -> N

o    R in "BANGALORE" corresponds to D in "SUNDAY", so R -> Y

o    E in "BANGALORE" corresponds to Y in "SUNDAY", so E -> Y

Therefore, "BANGALORE" would be written as NYNANYNY in that code.

If EARTH is written as FCUXM in a certain code. How is MOON written in that code?

To find out how "MOON" would be written in the same coding scheme as "EARTH" to "FCUXM":

1.        Identify the pattern: Notice how each letter in "EARTH" corresponds to "FCUXM":

o    E -> F

o    A -> C

o    R -> U

o    T -> X

o    H -> M

2.        Apply the pattern to "MOON":

o    M corresponds to ?

o    O corresponds to ?

o    O corresponds to ?

o    N corresponds to ?

3.        Using the identified pattern:

o    M in "MOON" corresponds to E in "EARTH", so M -> F

o    O in "MOON" corresponds to A in "EARTH", so O -> C

o    O in "MOON" corresponds to A in "EARTH", so O -> C

o    N in "MOON" corresponds to R in "EARTH", so N -> U

Therefore, "MOON" would be written as FCCUX in that code.

In a certain code language, '123' means 'hot filtered coffee, '356means 'very hot day' and '589' means 'day and night'. Which digit stands for' very?Top of Form

Based on the provided codes:

  • '123' means 'hot filtered coffee’
  • '356' means 'very hot day'
  • '589' means 'day and night'

We need to find out which digit stands for 'very'.

From the given examples:

  • '356' corresponds to 'very hot day'.

Therefore, the digit that stands for 'very' in this code language is 3.

Unit 06: Percentage

6.1 Conversion of fraction to percentage and percentage to fraction:

6.2 Short-cut Methods

6.3 Successive Percentage Change

6.4 Budget based Problems



1.        Conversion of Fraction to Percentage and Percentage to Fraction

o    Fraction to Percentage:

§  To convert a fraction to a percentage, multiply the fraction by 100.

§  Example: 34\frac{3}{4}43​ as a percentage is 34×100=75%\frac{3}{4} \times 100 = 75\%43​×100=75%.

o    Percentage to Fraction:

§  To convert a percentage to a fraction, place the percentage value over 100 and simplify.

§  Example: 25% as a fraction is 25100=14\frac{25}{100} = \frac{1}{4}10025​=41​.

2.        Short-cut Methods

o    Percentage Change Calculation:

§  Increase: Calculate increase as IncreaseOriginal×100\frac{\text{Increase}}{\text{Original}} \times 100OriginalIncrease​×100.

§  Decrease: Calculate decrease as DecreaseOriginal×100\frac{\text{Decrease}}{\text{Original}} \times 100OriginalDecrease​×100.

§  Example: If a price increases from $50 to $60, the percentage increase is 1050×100=20%\frac{10}{50} \times 100 = 20\%5010​×100=20%.

3.        Successive Percentage Change

o    Definition: Successive percentage changes involve applying percentage changes in sequence.

o    Calculation: For multiple successive changes, apply each change to the result of the previous change.

o    Example: If a price increases by 10% and then decreases by 5%, the overall change is (1+0.10)×(1−0.05)−1(1 + 0.10) \times (1 - 0.05) - 1(1+0.10)×(1−0.05)−1.

4.        Budget-based Problems

o    Definition: Budget-based problems involve calculating percentages in financial planning and budget allocation.

o    Examples: Includes scenarios such as allocating budgets for different expense categories based on given percentages.

o    Example: If a company allocates 30% of its budget to marketing and 20% to operations, calculate the amounts allocated for each based on the total budget.

Understanding these concepts is essential for practical applications in finance, business, and everyday calculations involving percentages. Mastery of shortcut methods and successive percentage changes helps in quick problem-solving and decision-making involving percentage-based data.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form


Summary of Unit 06: Percentage

1.        Percentage Commodity Price Increase/Decrease

o    Explanation: Understanding how to calculate percentage increases or decreases in commodity prices is essential for analyzing market trends and financial decisions.

o    Calculation:

§  Increase: Calculate increase as Increase in PriceOriginal Price×100\frac{\text{Increase in Price}}{\text{Original Price}} \times 100Original PriceIncrease in Price​×100.

§  Decrease: Calculate decrease as Decrease in PriceOriginal Price×100\frac{\text{Decrease in Price}}{\text{Original Price}} \times 100Original PriceDecrease in Price​×100.

o    Example: If a stock price increases from $50 to $60, the percentage increase is 1050×100=20%\frac{10}{50} \times 100 = 20\%5010​×100=20%.

2.        Successive Percent Changes

o    Definition: Successive percent changes involve applying multiple percentage changes in sequence.

o    Method: Apply each percentage change successively to the result of the previous change.

o    Example: If an item's price increases by 20% and then decreases by 10%, the overall change is calculated as (1+0.20)×(1−0.10)−1(1 + 0.20) \times (1 - 0.10) - 1(1+0.20)×(1−0.10)−1.

3.        Budget-Based Problems

o    Explanation: Budget-based problems involve allocating funds or resources based on specified percentages.

o    Application: Used in financial planning, business budgeting, and resource allocation scenarios.

o    Example: If a company budgets 30% of its revenue for marketing and 20% for operations, calculate the amounts allocated to each department based on the total revenue.

By mastering these concepts, one can effectively analyze percentage-based data, make informed financial decisions, and solve practical problems related to budgeting and market analysis. Understanding shortcut methods for percentage calculations and how to manage successive changes ensures proficiency in applying these skills in various real-world situations.

Keywords Explanation

1.        Percentage

o    Definition: A percentage represents a fraction of 100 and is used to express parts of a whole.

o    Calculation: To convert a fraction or decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100. To convert a percentage to a fraction, place it over 100 and simplify.

o    Example: 34\frac{3}{4}43​ as a percentage is 34×100=75%\frac{3}{4} \times 100 = 75\%43​×100=75%.

2.        Commodity

o    Definition: A commodity refers to a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as oil, gold, or agricultural produce.

o    Usage: Prices of commodities often fluctuate due to market demand, supply changes, geopolitical factors, and economic conditions.

o    Example: Oil prices are influenced by global supply and demand dynamics.

3.        Successive Percent

o    Definition: Successive percentage changes involve applying multiple percentage changes in sequence to a starting value.

o    Calculation: Each successive change is calculated based on the new value resulting from the previous change.

o    Example: If a price increases by 10% and then decreases by 5%, the overall change is calculated by compounding these changes.

4.        Budget

o    Definition: A budget is a financial plan that allocates resources for specific purposes over a specified period.

o    Components: Budgets include income, expenses, savings, and investments, and are crucial for financial management and planning.

o    Example: A company's budget allocates funds to various departments such as marketing, operations, and research based on financial goals and priorities.

Understanding these keywords is essential for effectively applying percentage calculations, analyzing commodity markets, managing successive changes in values, and making informed decisions in budgeting and financial planning scenarios. These concepts are foundational in both personal finance and business finance contexts.

When the price for a product was decreased by 10%, the number sold increased by 30%. What was the effect on the total revenue?Top of Form

To determine the effect on total revenue when the price of a product decreases by 10% and the number sold increases by 30%, we can follow these steps:

1.        Define the original values:

o    Let the original price of the product be PPP.

o    Let the original quantity sold be QQQ.

o    Therefore, the original total revenue RRR is R=P×QR = P \times QR=P×Q.

2.        Calculate the new price:

o    The price is decreased by 10%, so the new price PnewP_{\text{new}}Pnew​ is: Pnew=P×(1−0.10)=P×0.90P_{\text{new}} = P \times (1 - 0.10) = P \times 0.90Pnew​=P×(1−0.10)=P×0.90

3.        Calculate the new quantity sold:

o    The quantity sold increases by 30%, so the new quantity QnewQ_{\text{new}}Qnew​ is: Qnew=Q×(1+0.30)=Q×1.30Q_{\text{new}} = Q \times (1 + 0.30) = Q \times 1.30Qnew​=Q×(1+0.30)=Q×1.30

4.        Calculate the new total revenue:

o    The new total revenue RnewR_{\text{new}}Rnew​ is: Rnew=Pnew×QnewR_{\text{new}} = P_{\text{new}} \times Q_{\text{new}}Rnew​=Pnew​×Qnew​

o    Substituting the new price and new quantity: Rnew=(P×0.90)×(Q×1.30)R_{\text{new}} = (P \times 0.90) \times (Q \times 1.30)Rnew​=(P×0.90)×(Q×1.30) Rnew=P×Q×0.90×1.30R_{\text{new}} = P \times Q \times 0.90 \times 1.30Rnew​=P×Q×0.90×1.30

5.        Calculate the factor change in revenue:

o    Simplify the expression: Rnew=P×Q×(0.90×1.30)R_{\text{new}} = P \times Q \times (0.90 \times 1.30)Rnew​=P×Q×(0.90×1.30) Rnew=P×Q×1.17R_{\text{new}} = P \times Q \times 1.17Rnew​=P×Q×1.17

6.        Compare the new revenue to the original revenue:

o    The original revenue RRR is P×QP \times QP×Q.

o    The new revenue RnewR_{\text{new}}Rnew​ is P×Q×1.17P \times Q \times 1.17P×Q×1.17.

This indicates that the new total revenue is 1.17 times the original total revenue, which means the total revenue increased by 17%.


When the price of a product is decreased by 10% and the number sold increases by 30%, the overall effect on total revenue is an increase of 17%.

If the numerator of a fraction be increased by 15% and its denominator be diminished by 8%, the value of the fraction is 15/16. Find the original fraction.Bottom of Form

denote the original fraction as ND\frac{N}{D}DN​, where NNN is the numerator and DDD is the denominator.

Step-by-Step Solution

1.        Increase the numerator by 15%:

o    The new numerator becomes Nnew=N+0.15N=1.15NN_{\text{new}} = N + 0.15N = 1.15NNnew​=N+0.15N=1.15N.

2.        Decrease the denominator by 8%:

o    The new denominator becomes Dnew=D−0.08D=0.92DD_{\text{new}} = D - 0.08D = 0.92DDnew​=D−0.08D=0.92D.

3.        The new fraction is given to be 1516\frac{15}{16}1615​:

o    So, we can set up the equation: 1.15N0.92D=1516\frac{1.15N}{0.92D} = \frac{15}{16}0.92D1.15N​=1615​

4.        Solve for ND\frac{N}{D}DN​:

o    Cross-multiply to solve for ND\frac{N}{D}DN​: 1.15N×16=15×0.92D1.15N \times 16 = 15 \times 0.92D1.15N×16=15×0.92D 18.4N=13.8D18.4N = 13.8D18.4N=13.8D ND=13.818.4\frac{N}{D} = \frac{13.8}{18.4}DN​=18.413.8​

5.        Simplify the fraction 13.818.4\frac{13.8}{18.4}18.413.8​:

o    Divide the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 2: 13.8÷218.4÷2=6.99.2\frac{13.8 \div 2}{18.4 \div 2} = \frac{6.9}{9.2}18.4÷213.8÷2​=9.26.9​

o    To further simplify: 6.99.2=6992\frac{6.9}{9.2} = \frac{69}{92}9.26.9​=9269​

o    Since 69 and 92 have no common factors other than 1, 6992\frac{69}{92}9269​ is in its simplest form.

Therefore, the original fraction is 6992\frac{69}{92}9269​.

The population of a town is 176400. If it increases at the rate of 5% per annum, what will be its population 2 years hence? What was it 2 years ago?Top of Form

To determine the population of the town 2 years hence and 2 years ago given a current population of 176,400 and an annual increase rate of 5%, we can use the formula for compound interest.

Population 2 Years Hence

1.        Formula for compound interest:

Pfuture=Ppresent×(1+r)nP_{\text{future}} = P_{\text{present}} \times (1 + r)^nPfuture​=Ppresent​×(1+r)n


o    PfutureP_{\text{future}}Pfuture​ is the population in the future.

o    PpresentP_{\text{present}}Ppresent​ is the current population.

o    rrr is the rate of increase per annum (expressed as a decimal).

o    nnn is the number of years.

2.        Plug in the values:

o    Ppresent=176,400P_{\text{present}} = 176,400Ppresent​=176,400

o    r=5%=0.05r = 5\% = 0.05r=5%=0.05

o    n=2n = 2n=2

3.        Calculate:

Pfuture=176,400×(1+0.05)2P_{\text{future}} = 176,400 \times (1 + 0.05)^2Pfuture​=176,400×(1+0.05)2 Pfuture=176,400×1.052P_{\text{future}} = 176,400 \times 1.05^2Pfuture​=176,400×1.052 Pfuture=176,400×1.1025P_{\text{future}} = 176,400 \times 1.1025Pfuture​=176,400×1.1025 Pfuture=194,481P_{\text{future}} = 194,481Pfuture​=194,481

So, the population 2 years hence will be 194,481.

Population 2 Years Ago

1.        Formula for reverse compound interest:

Ppast=Ppresent÷(1+r)nP_{\text{past}} = P_{\text{present}} \div (1 + r)^nPpast​=Ppresent​÷(1+r)n


o    PpastP_{\text{past}}Ppast​ is the population in the past.

o    PpresentP_{\text{present}}Ppresent​ is the current population.

o    rrr is the rate of increase per annum (expressed as a decimal).

o    nnn is the number of years.

2.        Plug in the values:

o    Ppresent=176,400P_{\text{present}} = 176,400Ppresent​=176,400

o    r=5%=0.05r = 5\% = 0.05r=5%=0.05

o    n=2n = 2n=2

3.        Calculate:

Ppast=176,400÷(1+0.05)2P_{\text{past}} = 176,400 \div (1 + 0.05)^2Ppast​=176,400÷(1+0.05)2 Ppast=176,400÷1.052P_{\text{past}} = 176,400 \div 1.05^2Ppast​=176,400÷1.052 Ppast=176,400÷1.1025P_{\text{past}} = 176,400 \div 1.1025Ppast​=176,400÷1.1025 Ppast≈160,000P_{\text{past}} \approx 160,000Ppast​≈160,000

So, the population 2 years ago was approximately 160,000.

In the new budget, the price of kerosene oil rose by 25%. By how much percent must a person reduce his consumption so that his expenditure on it does not increase?Bottom of Form

To determine by what percentage a person must reduce their consumption of kerosene oil to keep their expenditure constant despite a 25% price increase, we can use the concept of inverse proportionality between price and quantity when total expenditure is constant.

Step-by-Step Solution

1.        Define Variables:

o    Let the original price per unit of kerosene oil be PPP.

o    Let the original consumption be QQQ.

o    Let the original expenditure be EEE, where E=P×QE = P \times QE=P×Q.

2.        Price Increase:

o    The new price per unit after a 25% increase is Pnew=P×1.25P_{\text{new}} = P \times 1.25Pnew​=P×1.25.

3.        New Consumption:

o    Let the new consumption be QnewQ_{\text{new}}Qnew​.

4.        Maintain Constant Expenditure:

o    The new expenditure should equal the original expenditure, so: Pnew×Qnew=EP_{\text{new}} \times Q_{\text{new}} = EPnew​×Qnew​=E Substituting Pnew=P×1.25P_{\text{new}} = P \times 1.25Pnew​=P×1.25 and E=P×QE = P \times QE=P×Q: (P×1.25)×Qnew=P×Q(P \times 1.25) \times Q_{\text{new}} = P \times Q(P×1.25)×Qnew​=P×Q

5.        Solve for QnewQ_{\text{new}}Qnew​:

1.25P×Qnew=P×Q1.25P \times Q_{\text{new}} = P \times Q1.25P×Qnew​=P×Q Qnew=P×Q1.25PQ_{\text{new}} = \frac{P \times Q}{1.25P}Qnew​=1.25PP×Q​ Qnew=Q1.25Q_{\text{new}} = \frac{Q}{1.25}Qnew​=1.25Q​ Qnew=Q×11.25Q_{\text{new}} = Q \times \frac{1}{1.25}Qnew​=Q×1.251​ Qnew=Q×0.8Q_{\text{new}} = Q \times 0.8Qnew​=Q×0.8

6.        Percentage Reduction in Consumption:

o    The reduction in consumption is Q−QnewQ - Q_{\text{new}}Q−Qnew​.

o    The percentage reduction is: Percentage Reduction=Q−QnewQ×100%\text{Percentage Reduction} = \frac{Q - Q_{\text{new}}}{Q} \times 100\%Percentage Reduction=QQ−Qnew​​×100%


The value of a machine depreciates at the rate of 10% per annum. If its present is Rs.1,62,000 what will be its worth after 2 years? What was the value of the machine 2 years ago?Top of Form

To calculate the value of the machine after 2 years and its value 2 years ago given its present value and a depreciation rate of 10% per annum, we can use the formula for compound depreciation and appreciation.

Depreciation Formula

The value of an asset depreciating at a rate rrr per annum over nnn years is given by:

V=P×(1−r)nV = P \times (1 - r)^nV=P×(1−r)n


  • VVV is the future value of the asset.
  • PPP is the present value of the asset.
  • rrr is the depreciation rate.
  • nnn is the number of years.

Appreciation Formula (finding past value)

To find the past value PPP of an asset which depreciates over nnn years to the present value VVV:

P=V×(1+r)nP = V \times (1 + r)^nP=V×(1+r)n

Given Data:

  • Present value (PPP) = Rs. 1,62,000
  • Depreciation rate (rrr) = 10% = 0.10
  • Time (nnn) = 2 years

Value After 2 Years

Using the depreciation formula:

V=1,62,000×(1−0.10)2V = 1,62,000 \times (1 - 0.10)^2V=1,62,000×(1−0.10)2 V=1,62,000×(0.90)2V = 1,62,000 \times (0.90)^2V=1,62,000×(0.90)2 V=1,62,000×0.81V = 1,62,000 \times 0.81V=1,62,000×0.81 V=1,62,000×0.81=1,31,220V = 1,62,000 \times 0.81 = 1,31,220V=1,62,000×0.81=1,31,220

So, the value of the machine after 2 years will be Rs. 1,31,220.

Value 2 Years Ago

Using the appreciation formula:

P=1,62,000×(1+0.10)2P = 1,62,000 \times (1 + 0.10)^2P=1,62,000×(1+0.10)2 P=1,62,000×(1.10)2P = 1,62,000 \times (1.10)^2P=1,62,000×(1.10)2 P=1,62,000×1.21P = 1,62,000 \times 1.21P=1,62,000×1.21 P=1,62,000×1.21=1,95,720P = 1,62,000 \times 1.21 = 1,95,720P=1,62,000×1.21=1,95,720

So, the value of the machine 2 years ago was Rs. 1,95,720.

Unit 07: Profit and Loss

7.1 Some Useful Short Cut Methods

7.2 False Weight

7.3 Successive Discount and Marked Price

7.1 Some Useful Short Cut Methods

1.        Profit and Loss Formulas:

o    Profit: Profit = Selling Price (SP) - Cost Price (CP)

o    Loss: Loss = Cost Price (CP) - Selling Price (SP)

o    Profit Percentage: Profit %=(ProfitCP)×100\text{Profit \%} = \left( \frac{\text{Profit}}{\text{CP}} \right) \times 100Profit %=(CPProfit​)×100

o    Loss Percentage: Loss %=(LossCP)×100\text{Loss \%} = \left( \frac{\text{Loss}}{\text{CP}} \right) \times 100Loss %=(CPLoss​)×100

2.        Finding Selling Price:

o    SP when Profit is Given: SP=CP×(1+Profit %100)\text{SP} = \text{CP} \times \left( 1 + \frac{\text{Profit \%}}{100} \right)SP=CP×(1+100Profit %​)

o    SP when Loss is Given: SP=CP×(1−Loss %100)\text{SP} = \text{CP} \times \left( 1 - \frac{\text{Loss \%}}{100} \right)SP=CP×(1−100Loss %​)

3.        Finding Cost Price:

o    CP when SP and Profit % are Given: CP=SP1+Profit %100\text{CP} = \frac{\text{SP}}{1 + \frac{\text{Profit \%}}{100}}CP=1+100Profit %​SP​

o    CP when SP and Loss % are Given: CP=SP1−Loss %100\text{CP} = \frac{\text{SP}}{1 - \frac{\text{Loss \%}}{100}}CP=1−100Loss %​SP​

4.        Discount Calculations:

o    Single Discount: If the marked price (MP) of an item is given and a single discount of d%d\%d% is offered, the selling price (SP) can be calculated as: SP=MP×(1−d100)\text{SP} = \text{MP} \times \left( 1 - \frac{d}{100} \right)SP=MP×(1−100d​)

7.2 False Weight

1.        Concept of False Weight:

o    False Weight refers to a situation where a seller uses incorrect weights to measure goods, leading to more profit or less loss than the actual weight would allow. This is considered unethical and sometimes illegal.

2.        Calculation Example:

o    If a seller claims to use a 1 kg weight but actually uses 900 grams, the profit made due to the false weight can be calculated.

o    Suppose the cost price per kg is CPCPCP and the selling price per kg is SPSPSP. The seller actually sells 900 grams at the price of 1 kg.

o    Effective Cost Price for 900 grams: Effective CP=CP×9001000\text{Effective CP} = \frac{CP \times 900}{1000}Effective CP=1000CP×900​

o    Profit Due to False Weight: Profit=SP−Effective CP\text{Profit} = SP - \text{Effective CP}Profit=SP−Effective CP

o    Profit Percentage: Profit %=(SP−Effective CPEffective CP)×100\text{Profit \%} = \left( \frac{SP - \text{Effective CP}}{\text{Effective CP}} \right) \times 100Profit %=(Effective CPSP−Effective CP​)×100

7.3 Successive Discount and Marked Price

1.        Successive Discount:

o    When multiple discounts are applied successively, the overall discount is not simply the sum of individual discounts. Instead, the overall effect is calculated by applying each discount one after the other on the reduced price.

2.        Calculation of Successive Discounts:

o    Suppose an item has a marked price MPMPMP and successive discounts of d1%d_1\%d1​% and d2%d_2\%d2​% are given.

o    After First Discount: SP1=MP×(1−d1100)\text{SP}_1 = MP \times \left( 1 - \frac{d_1}{100} \right)SP1​=MP×(1−100d1​​)

o    After Second Discount on Reduced Price: SP2=SP1×(1−d2100)\text{SP}_2 = \text{SP}_1 \times \left( 1 - \frac{d_2}{100} \right)SP2​=SP1​×(1−100d2​​)

o    Combining these steps gives the final selling price SP2SP_2SP2​.

3.        Example:

o    Marked Price (MP) = Rs. 1000

o    First Discount (d_1) = 20%

o    Second Discount (d_2) = 10%

o    After First Discount: SP1=1000×(1−0.20)=1000×0.80=Rs.800\text{SP}_1 = 1000 \times (1 - 0.20) = 1000 \times 0.80 = Rs. 800SP1​=1000×(1−0.20)=1000×0.80=Rs.800

o    After Second Discount: SP2=800×(1−0.10)=800×0.90=Rs.720\text{SP}_2 = 800 \times (1 - 0.10) = 800 \times 0.90 = Rs. 720SP2​=800×(1−0.10)=800×0.90=Rs.720

o    So, the final selling price after successive discounts is Rs. 720.


  • Shortcut methods in profit and loss help quickly find selling price, cost price, profit, and loss percentages.
  • False weight refers to the unethical practice of using incorrect weights to increase profit.
  • Successive discounts require applying each discount step by step on the reduced price, not simply adding the discount percentages.



The key concepts learned from this unit are:

  • Calculation of Cost Price (CP), Selling Price (SP), and Profit or Gain:
    • Cost Price (CP): The original price at which an item is bought.
    • Selling Price (SP): The price at which an item is sold.
    • Profit: The amount gained when the selling price is more than the cost price. Profit=SP−CP\text{Profit} = \text{SP} - \text{CP}Profit=SP−CP
    • Loss: The amount lost when the selling price is less than the cost price. Loss=CP−SP\text{Loss} = \text{CP} - \text{SP}Loss=CP−SP
    • Profit Percentage: The profit expressed as a percentage of the cost price. Profit %=(ProfitCP)×100\text{Profit \%} = \left( \frac{\text{Profit}}{\text{CP}} \right) \times 100Profit %=(CPProfit​)×100
    • Loss Percentage: The loss expressed as a percentage of the cost price. Loss %=(LossCP)×100\text{Loss \%} = \left( \frac{\text{Loss}}{\text{CP}} \right) \times 100Loss %=(CPLoss​)×100
  • Shortcuts for Finding Selling Price and Cost Price:
    • SP when Profit is Given: SP=CP×(1+Profit %100)\text{SP} = \text{CP} \times \left( 1 + \frac{\text{Profit \%}}{100} \right)SP=CP×(1+100Profit %​)
    • SP when Loss is Given: SP=CP×(1−Loss %100)\text{SP} = \text{CP} \times \left( 1 - \frac{\text{Loss \%}}{100} \right)SP=CP×(1−100Loss %​)
    • CP when SP and Profit % are Given: CP=SP1+Profit %100\text{CP} = \frac{\text{SP}}{1 + \frac{\text{Profit \%}}{100}}CP=1+100Profit %​SP​
    • CP when SP and Loss % are Given: CP=SP1−Loss %100\text{CP} = \frac{\text{SP}}{1 - \frac{\text{Loss \%}}{100}}CP=1−100Loss %​SP​
  • False Weight:
    • The unethical practice of using incorrect weights to measure goods, leading to increased profits.
    • Calculation involves determining the effective cost price for the false weight and computing the profit percentage based on this adjusted value.
  • Successive Discount and Marked Price:
    • Single Discount: Calculating the selling price after applying a single discount to the marked price. SP=MP×(1−d100)\text{SP} = \text{MP} \times \left( 1 - \frac{d}{100} \right)SP=MP×(1−100d​)
    • Successive Discounts: Applying multiple discounts sequentially to find the final selling price.
      • Apply the first discount to the marked price.
      • Apply the second discount to the reduced price obtained after the first discount.
      • Formula: SP1=MP×(1−d1100)\text{SP}_1 = \text{MP} \times \left( 1 - \frac{d_1}{100} \right)SP1​=MP×(1−100d1​​) SP2=SP1×(1−d2100)\text{SP}_2 = \text{SP}_1 \times \left( 1 - \frac{d_2}{100} \right)SP2​=SP1​×(1−100d2​​)

These key points help in understanding how to effectively calculate and analyze profit, loss, cost price, selling price, and discounts in various business and financial scenarios.


Cost Price (CP)

  • Definition: The amount of money spent to purchase an item or produce a product.
  • Formula: CP=Total Cost Incurred\text{CP} = \text{Total Cost Incurred}CP=Total Cost Incurred
  • Example: If you buy a chair for Rs. 500, then Rs. 500 is the cost price of the chair.

Selling Price (SP)

  • Definition: The price at which an item is sold to a customer.
  • Formula: SP=Cost Price+Profit\text{SP} = \text{Cost Price} + \text{Profit}SP=Cost Price+Profit
  • Example: If the chair bought for Rs. 500 is sold for Rs. 600, then Rs. 600 is the selling price.


  • Definition: The financial gain obtained when the selling price of an item exceeds its cost price.
  • Formula: Profit=SP−CP\text{Profit} = \text{SP} - \text{CP}Profit=SP−CP
  • Profit Percentage: Profit %=(ProfitCP)×100\text{Profit \%} = \left( \frac{\text{Profit}}{\text{CP}} \right) \times 100Profit %=(CPProfit​)×100
  • Example: If the chair bought for Rs. 500 is sold for Rs. 600, the profit is Rs. 100. Profit %=(100500)×100=20%\text{Profit \%} = \left( \frac{100}{500} \right) \times 100 = 20\%Profit %=(500100​)×100=20%


  • Definition: Similar to profit, gain refers to the positive difference between the selling price and the cost price of an item. Often used interchangeably with profit.
  • Formula: Gain=SP−CP\text{Gain} = \text{SP} - \text{CP}Gain=SP−CP
  • Gain Percentage: Gain %=(GainCP)×100\text{Gain \%} = \left( \frac{\text{Gain}}{\text{CP}} \right) \times 100Gain %=(CPGain​)×100
  • Example: If the chair bought for Rs. 500 is sold for Rs. 600, the gain is Rs. 100. Gain %=(100500)×100=20%\text{Gain \%} = \left( \frac{100}{500} \right) \times 100 = 20\%Gain %=(500100​)×100=20%

Discount Price

  • Definition: The reduced price at which an item is sold after applying a discount to the marked price.
  • Formula: Discount Price=Marked Price×(1−Discount %100)\text{Discount Price} = \text{Marked Price} \times \left( 1 - \frac{\text{Discount \%}}{100} \right)Discount Price=Marked Price×(1−100Discount %​)
  • Example: If a chair with a marked price of Rs. 800 is sold with a 10% discount, the discount price is: Discount Price=800×(1−0.10)=800×0.90=Rs.720\text{Discount Price} = 800 \times (1 - 0.10) = 800 \times 0.90 = Rs. 720Discount Price=800×(1−0.10)=800×0.90=Rs.720

Marked Price (MP)

  • Definition: The original price of an item before any discounts are applied; also known as the list price.
  • Formula: Marked Price=Discount Price×(1+Discount %100)\text{Marked Price} = \text{Discount Price} \times \left( 1 + \frac{\text{Discount \%}}{100} \right)Marked Price=Discount Price×(1+100Discount %​)
  • Example: If the discount price of a chair is Rs. 720 after a 10% discount, the marked price is: Marked Price=720×(1+0.10)=720×1.10=Rs.792\text{Marked Price} = 720 \times \left( 1 + 0.10 \right) = 720 \times 1.10 = Rs. 792Marked Price=720×(1+0.10)=720×1.10=Rs.792

These key terms form the basis of calculations in profit and loss scenarios, helping to determine the cost effectiveness and pricing strategies in various business operations.


At what % above C.P must an article be marked so as to gain 33% after allowing a customer a discount of 5%?Top of Form

To determine at what percentage above the Cost Price (CP) an article must be marked to achieve a 33% gain after offering a 5% discount to the customer, we can follow these steps:


  • Profit Percentage Desired: 33%
  • Discount Percentage: 5%

Steps to Solve:

1.        Calculate the Selling Price (SP):

o    Let xxx be the percentage above CP at which the article should be marked.

o    Therefore, the Marked Price (MP) can be expressed as CP×(1+x100)\text{CP} \times \left( 1 + \frac{x}{100} \right)CP×(1+100x​).

2.        Apply Discount to the Marked Price:

o    After applying a 5% discount, the selling price (SP) will be: SP=MP×(1−5100)\text{SP} = \text{MP} \times \left( 1 - \frac{5}{100} \right)SP=MP×(1−1005​) SP=MP×0.95\text{SP} = \text{MP} \times 0.95SP=MP×0.95

3.        Set Up the Profit Equation:

o    The profit is calculated as the difference between SP and CP, which should equal 33% of CP: Profit=SP−CP\text{Profit} = \text{SP} - \text{CP}Profit=SP−CP 0.33×CP=SP−CP0.33 \times \text{CP} = \text{SP} - \text{CP}0.33×CP=SP−CP

4.        Substitute SP from Step 2:

o    Substitute SP in terms of MP from step 1: 0.33×CP=(MP×0.95)−CP0.33 \times \text{CP} = \left( \text{MP} \times 0.95 \right) - \text{CP}0.33×CP=(MP×0.95)−CP

5.        Solve for MP:

o    Substitute MP from step 1 into the equation and solve for xxx.

Let's calculate it step by step:

Step-by-Step Calculation:

1.        Set Up the Equation for Profit: 0.33×CP=(CP×(1+x100)×0.95)−CP0.33 \times \text{CP} = \left( \text{CP} \times \left( 1 + \frac{x}{100} \right) \times 0.95 \right) - \text{CP}0.33×CP=(CP×(1+100x​)×0.95)−CP

2.        Simplify the Equation: 0.33×CP=(CP×0.95×(1+x100))−CP0.33 \times \text{CP} = \left( \text{CP} \times 0.95 \times \left( 1 + \frac{x}{100} \right) \right) - \text{CP}0.33×CP=(CP×0.95×(1+100x​))−CP

3.        Expand and Simplify: 0.33×CP=CP×0.95×(1+x100)−CP0.33 \times \text{CP} = \text{CP} \times 0.95 \times \left( 1 + \frac{x}{100} \right) - \text{CP}0.33×CP=CP×0.95×(1+100x​)−CP

4.        Divide through by CP (assuming CP ≠ 0): 0.33=0.95×(1+x100)−10.33 = 0.95 \times \left( 1 + \frac{x}{100} \right) - 10.33=0.95×(1+100x​)−1

5.        Isolate xxx: 0.33+1=0.95×(1+x100)0.33 + 1 = 0.95 \times \left( 1 + \frac{x}{100} \right)0.33+1=0.95×(1+100x​) 1.33=0.95×(1+x100)1.33 = 0.95 \times \left( 1 + \frac{x}{100} \right)1.33=0.95×(1+100x​)

6.        Divide by 0.95: 1.330.95=1+x100\frac{1.33}{0.95} = 1 + \frac{x}{100}0.951.33​=1+100x​ 1.4=1+x1001.4 = 1 + \frac{x}{100}1.4=1+100x​

7.        Subtract 1 and Multiply by 100: 0.4=x1000.4 = \frac{x}{100}0.4=100x​ x=0.4×100x = 0.4 \times 100x=0.4×100 x=40x = 40x=40


Therefore, the article must be marked at 40% above the Cost Price to achieve a 33% gain after allowing a 5% discount to the customer.

An uneducated retailer marks all its goods at 50% above the cost price and thinking that he will still make 25% profit, offers a discount of 25% on the market price. what is the actual profit on the sales?

Bottom of Form

To determine the actual profit on sales after the retailer's pricing strategy, let's break down the given information and calculate step by step:


  • The retailer marks all goods at 50% above the Cost Price (CP).
  • The retailer expects to make a 25% profit.
  • The retailer offers a 25% discount on the marked price to customers.

Steps to Calculate Actual Profit:

1.        Calculate the Selling Price (SP):

o    The retailer marks goods at 50% above CP, so the Marked Price (MP) is: MP=CP×(1+50100)\text{MP} = \text{CP} \times \left( 1 + \frac{50}{100} \right)MP=CP×(1+10050​) MP=CP×1.5\text{MP} = \text{CP} \times 1.5MP=CP×1.5

2.        Apply the Expected Profit Margin:

o    The retailer expects to make a 25% profit on the CP. Therefore, the Selling Price (SP) with the expected profit margin is: SP=CP×(1+25100)\text{SP} = \text{CP} \times \left( 1 + \frac{25}{100} \right)SP=CP×(1+10025​) SP=CP×1.25\text{SP} = \text{CP} \times 1.25SP=CP×1.25

3.        Apply the Discount:

o    The retailer offers a 25% discount on the marked price to customers. So, the Selling Price (SP) after the discount is: SP=MP×(1−25100)\text{SP} = \text{MP} \times \left( 1 - \frac{25}{100} \right)SP=MP×(1−10025​) SP=MP×0.75\text{SP} = \text{MP} \times 0.75SP=MP×0.75

4.        Determine the Actual Profit:

o    Compare the actual Selling Price (after discount) with the Cost Price (CP) to find the actual profit: Actual Profit=SP after discount−CP\text{Actual Profit} = \text{SP after discount} - \text{CP}Actual Profit=SP after discount−CP


Let's calculate step by step:

  • Step 1: Calculate MP MP=CP×1.5\text{MP} = \text{CP} \times 1.5MP=CP×1.5
  • Step 2: Calculate SP with Expected Profit Margin SP=CP×1.25\text{SP} = \text{CP} \times 1.25SP=CP×1.25
  • Step 3: Calculate SP after Discount SP after discount=MP×0.75\text{SP after discount} = \text{MP} \times 0.75SP after discount=MP×0.75 Substitute MP from Step 1: SP after discount=(CP×1.5)×0.75\text{SP after discount} = (\text{CP} \times 1.5) \times 0.75SP after discount=(CP×1.5)×0.75 SP after discount=CP×1.125\text{SP after discount} = \text{CP} \times 1.125SP after discount=CP×1.125
  • Step 4: Calculate Actual Profit Actual Profit=SP after discount−CP\text{Actual Profit} = \text{SP after discount} - \text{CP}Actual Profit=SP after discount−CP Actual Profit=CP×1.125−CP\text{Actual Profit} = \text{CP} \times 1.125 - \text{CP}Actual Profit=CP×1.125−CP Actual Profit=CP×(1.125−1)\text{Actual Profit} = \text{CP} \times (1.125 - 1)Actual Profit=CP×(1.125−1) Actual Profit=CP×0.125\text{Actual Profit} = \text{CP} \times 0.125Actual Profit=CP×0.125


The actual profit on the sales, after offering a 25% discount on the marked price, is 12.5% of the Cost Price (CP).

A man bought a horse and a carriage for Rs 3000.he sold the horse at a gain of 20% and the carriage at a loss of 10%, thereby gaining 2% on the whole. find the cost of the horse.Top of Form

To find the cost of the horse, let's break down the given information and solve step by step:


  • Total cost of the horse and carriage = Rs 3000
  • Sold the horse at a gain of 20%
  • Sold the carriage at a loss of 10%
  • Overall gain of 2%

Steps to Solve:

1.        Let's denote:

o    Cost of the horse as ChC_hCh​

o    Cost of the carriage as CcC_cCc​

2.        Set up the equations based on the given information:

o    Total cost equation: Ch+Cc=3000C_h + C_c = 3000Ch​+Cc​=3000

3.        Calculate the selling prices:

o    Selling price of the horse (after 20% gain): SPh=Ch×(1+20100)=Ch×1.2\text{SP}_h = C_h \times \left( 1 + \frac{20}{100} \right) = C_h \times 1.2SPh​=Ch​×(1+10020​)=Ch​×1.2

o    Selling price of the carriage (after 10% loss): SPc=Cc×(1−10100)=Cc×0.9\text{SP}_c = C_c \times \left( 1 - \frac{10}{100} \right) = C_c \times 0.9SPc​=Cc​×(1−10010​)=Cc​×0.9

4.        Calculate the overall selling price and the gain:

o    Total selling price: Total SP=SPh+SPc\text{Total SP} = \text{SP}_h + \text{SP}_cTotal SP=SPh​+SPc​ Total SP=Ch×1.2+Cc×0.9\text{Total SP} = C_h \times 1.2 + C_c \times 0.9Total SP=Ch​×1.2+Cc​×0.9

5.        Calculate the overall gain condition:

o    Overall gain condition: Overall Gain=Total SP−Total Cost\text{Overall Gain} = \text{Total SP} - \text{Total Cost}Overall Gain=Total SP−Total Cost Overall Gain=Total SP−3000\text{Overall Gain} = \text{Total SP} - 3000Overall Gain=Total SP−3000 Overall Gain=0.02×3000\text{Overall Gain} = 0.02 \times 3000Overall Gain=0.02×3000

6.        Substitute and solve the equations:

o    Substitute the values and equations to find ChC_hCh​:

From Ch+Cc=3000C_h + C_c = 3000Ch​+Cc​=3000, solve for CcC_cCc​: Cc=3000−ChC_c = 3000 - C_hCc​=3000−Ch​

Substitute CcC_cCc​ into the overall gain equation: Ch×1.2+(3000−Ch)×0.9=3000+0.02×3000C_h \times 1.2 + (3000 - C_h) \times 0.9 = 3000 + 0.02 \times 3000Ch​×1.2+(3000−Ch​)×0.9=3000+0.02×3000

Simplify and solve for ChC_hCh​:

1.2Ch+2700−0.9Ch=30601.2 C_h + 2700 - 0.9 C_h = 30601.2Ch​+2700−0.9Ch​=3060 0.3Ch=3600.3 C_h = 3600.3Ch​=360 Ch=3600.3C_h = \frac{360}{0.3}Ch​=0.3360​ Ch=1200C_h = 1200Ch​=1200


The cost of the horse is Rs 1200.

Alfred buys an old scooter for Rs. 4700 and spends Rs. 800 on its repairs. If he sells the scooter for Rs. 5800, his gain percent is?Top of Form

To find Alfred's gain percentage when he sells the scooter, let's calculate step by step:


  • Cost price of the scooter = Rs. 4700
  • Repair expenses = Rs. 800
  • Total cost price = Rs. 4700 + Rs. 800 = Rs. 5500
  • Selling price = Rs. 5800

Steps to Calculate Gain Percentage:

1.        Calculate the Total Cost Price (CP): Total CP=Cost Price+Repair Expenses\text{Total CP} = \text{Cost Price} + \text{Repair Expenses}Total CP=Cost Price+Repair Expenses Total CP=4700+800=5500\text{Total CP} = 4700 + 800 = 5500Total CP=4700+800=5500

2.        Calculate the Profit:

o    Profit = Selling Price - Total Cost Price Profit=5800−5500=300\text{Profit} = 5800 - 5500 = 300Profit=5800−5500=300

3.        Calculate the Gain Percentage:

o    Gain Percentage = ( \left( \frac{\text{Profit}}{\text{Total CP}} \right) \times 100% ] Gain Percentage=(3005500)×100%\text{Gain Percentage} = \left( \frac{300}{5500} \right) \times 100\%Gain Percentage=(5500300​)×100% Gain Percentage=(3005500)×100%\text{Gain Percentage} = \left( \frac{300}{5500} \right) \times 100\%Gain Percentage=(5500300​)×100% Gain Percentage≈5.45%\text{Gain Percentage} ≈ 5.45\%Gain Percentage≈5.45%


Alfred's gain percentage when he sells the scooter is approximately 5.45%.

Unit 08: Simple Interest

8.1 Basics of Principal, Rate and Time

8.2 Computation of Simple Interest

8.3 Effect of Change of P, R & T on S.I.

8.4 Computation of Principal

8.5 Computation of Rate

8.6 Computation of Time

8.7 Computation of Amount

8.1 Basics of Principal, Rate, and Time

  • Principal (P):
    • Definition: The initial amount of money invested or loaned.
    • Symbol: PPP
    • Example: If you deposit Rs. 5000 into a savings account, Rs. 5000 is the principal.
  • Rate of Interest (R):
    • Definition: The percentage charged or paid on the principal amount over a period of time.
    • Symbol: RRR
    • Example: An interest rate of 5% per annum means R = 5%.
  • Time (T):
    • Definition: The duration for which the principal amount is borrowed or invested, usually expressed in years or fractions of a year.
    • Symbol: TTT
    • Example: If you borrow Rs. 10,000 for 2 years, then T=2T = 2T=2 years.

8.2 Computation of Simple Interest

  • Simple Interest (SI):
    • Definition: The interest calculated only on the principal amount.
    • Formula: SI=P×R×T100SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}SI=100P×R×T​
    • Example: If P = Rs. 1000, R = 8%, T = 2 years, SI=1000×8×2100=Rs.160SI = \frac{1000 \times 8 \times 2}{100} = Rs. 160SI=1001000×8×2​=Rs.160

8.3 Effect of Change of P, R & T on S.I.

  • Effect of Change in Principal (P):
    • Increasing P increases SI, assuming R and T remain constant.
    • Example: If P increases from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 2000, SI will also increase proportionately.
  • Effect of Change in Rate of Interest (R):
    • Increasing R increases SI, assuming P and T remain constant.
    • Example: If R increases from 5% to 10%, SI will double.
  • Effect of Change in Time (T):
    • Increasing T increases SI, assuming P and R remain constant.
    • Example: If T increases from 2 years to 4 years, SI will double.

8.4 Computation of Principal

  • Finding Principal (P):
    • Formula (from SI formula): P=100×SIR×TP = \frac{100 \times SI}{R \times T}P=R×T100×SI​
    • Example: If SI = Rs. 400, R = 10%, T = 2 years, P=100×40010×2=Rs.2000P = \frac{100 \times 400}{10 \times 2} = Rs. 2000P=10×2100×400​=Rs.2000

8.5 Computation of Rate

  • Finding Rate of Interest (R):
    • Formula (from SI formula): R=100×SIP×TR = \frac{100 \times SI}{P \times T}R=P×T100×SI​
    • Example: If SI = Rs. 250, P = Rs. 2000, T = 3 years, R=100×2502000×3=4.17%R = \frac{100 \times 250}{2000 \times 3} = 4.17\%R=2000×3100×250​=4.17%

8.6 Computation of Time

  • Finding Time (T):
    • Formula (from SI formula): T=100×SIP×RT = \frac{100 \times SI}{P \times R}T=P×R100×SI​
    • Example: If SI = Rs. 300, P = Rs. 1500, R = 6%, T=100×3001500×6=3 yearsT = \frac{100 \times 300}{1500 \times 6} = 3 \text{ years}T=1500×6100×300​=3 years

8.7 Computation of Amount

  • Amount (A):
    • Definition: The total money accumulated by adding the principal and the interest.
    • Formula: A=P+SIA = P + SIA=P+SI
    • Example: If P = Rs. 2000, SI = Rs. 400, A=2000+400=Rs.2400A = 2000 + 400 = Rs. 2400A=2000+400=Rs.2400

These points cover the fundamental concepts and calculations related to Simple Interest (SI), providing a comprehensive overview of how Principal (P), Rate (R), Time (T), Simple Interest (SI), and Amount (A) are interconnected and calculated in various scenarios.

Summary: Simple Interest Concepts

1.        Simple Interest (SI):

o    Definition: Simple Interest is calculated on the principal amount over a period of time at a fixed rate.

o    Formula: SI=P×R×T100SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}SI=100P×R×T​ where PPP is the Principal, RRR is the Rate of Interest per annum, and TTT is the Time in years.

2.        Principal (P):

o    Definition: The initial amount of money invested or borrowed.

o    Formula: P=100×SIR×TP = \frac{100 \times SI}{R \times T}P=R×T100×SI​ Principal is the base amount on which interest is calculated.

3.        Rate of Interest (R):

o    Definition: The percentage charged or earned on the principal amount over a period of time.

o    Formula: R=100×SIP×TR = \frac{100 \times SI}{P \times T}R=P×T100×SI​ Rate of Interest determines the percentage of the principal that will be paid as interest over one year.

4.        Time (T):

o    Definition: The duration for which the principal amount is borrowed or invested, usually expressed in years.

o    Formula: T=100×SIP×RT = \frac{100 \times SI}{P \times R}T=P×R100×SI​ Time represents the period for which the money is invested or borrowed.

5.        Amount (A):

o    Definition: The total money accumulated by adding the principal and the interest.

o    Formula: A=P+SIA = P + SIA=P+SI Amount is the total sum of the principal and the interest earned or paid.

6.        Relationships Between Amount, Principal, and Interest:

o    Principal Calculation: P=A−SIP = A - SIP=A−SI Principal can be found by subtracting the Simple Interest from the Amount.

o    Interest Calculation: SI=A−PSI = A - PSI=A−P Simple Interest is determined by subtracting the Principal from the Amount.

Example Application:

If the Principal (P) is Rs. 2000, the Rate of Interest (R) is 5% per annum, and Time (T) is 3 years:

  • Calculate Simple Interest (SI): SI=2000×5×3100=Rs.300SI = \frac{2000 \times 5 \times 3}{100} = Rs. 300SI=1002000×5×3​=Rs.300
  • Calculate Amount (A): A=2000+300=Rs.2300A = 2000 + 300 = Rs. 2300A=2000+300=Rs.2300
  • Verify Principal (P) Calculation: P=100×3005×3=Rs.2000P = \frac{100 \times 300}{5 \times 3} = Rs. 2000P=5×3100×300​=Rs.2000

This summary provides a clear understanding of how Simple Interest is calculated using Principal, Rate, and Time, and how these concepts interrelate to determine the Amount and Interest in financial transactions.


Keywords in Simple Interest

1.        Principal (P):

o    Definition: The original amount of money invested or borrowed.

o    Symbol: PPP

o    Example: If you borrow Rs. 5000 from a bank, Rs. 5000 is the principal amount.

2.        Rate of Interest (R):

o    Definition: The percentage charged or paid on the principal amount over a period of time.

o    Symbol: RRR

o    Example: An interest rate of 8% per annum means R = 8%.

3.        Time (T):

o    Definition: The duration for which the principal amount is borrowed or invested, usually expressed in years.

o    Symbol: TTT

o    Example: If you borrow Rs. 10,000 for 3 years, then T=3T = 3T=3 years.

4.        Simple Interest (SI):

o    Definition: The interest calculated only on the original principal amount.

o    Formula: SI=P×R×T100SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}SI=100P×R×T​

o    Example: If P = Rs. 2000, R = 10%, T = 2 years, SI=2000×10×2100=Rs.400SI = \frac{2000 \times 10 \times 2}{100} = Rs. 400SI=1002000×10×2​=Rs.400

5.        Amount (A):

o    Definition: The total money accumulated by adding the principal and the interest.

o    Formula: A=P+SIA = P + SIA=P+SI

o    Example: If P = Rs. 3000, SI = Rs. 600, A=3000+600=Rs.3600A = 3000 + 600 = Rs. 3600A=3000+600=Rs.3600

Relationships and Formulas:

  • Principal Calculation: P=100×SIR×TP = \frac{100 \times SI}{R \times T}P=R×T100×SI​ Principal can be calculated using Simple Interest, Rate, and Time.
  • Rate Calculation: R=100×SIP×TR = \frac{100 \times SI}{P \times T}R=P×T100×SI​ Rate of Interest can be determined using Principal, Simple Interest, and Time.
  • Time Calculation: T=100×SIP×RT = \frac{100 \times SI}{P \times R}T=P×R100×SI​ Time can be found using Principal, Rate of Interest, and Simple Interest.

Example Application:

If you invest Rs. 5000 at an interest rate of 6% per annum for 2 years:

  • Calculate Simple Interest (SI): SI=5000×6×2100=Rs.600SI = \frac{5000 \times 6 \times 2}{100} = Rs. 600SI=1005000×6×2​=Rs.600
  • Calculate Amount (A): A=5000+600=Rs.5600A = 5000 + 600 = Rs. 5600A=5000+600=Rs.5600
  • Verify Principal (P) Calculation: P=100×6006×2=Rs.5000P = \frac{100 \times 600}{6 \times 2} = Rs. 5000P=6×2100×600​=Rs.5000

This breakdown provides a clear understanding of how Principal, Rate of Interest, Time, Simple Interest, and Amount are interconnected and calculated in various financial scenarios involving simple interest calculations.

If the simple interest on Rs. 1400 be more than the interest on Rs. 1000 by Rs. 60 in 5 years, then find the out the rate per cent per annum.Top of Form

To find the rate of interest per annum, we can use the given information and the formula for Simple Interest (SI).


  • Principal amount P1=Rs.1000P_1 = Rs. 1000P1​=Rs.1000
  • Principal amount P2=Rs.1400P_2 = Rs. 1400P2​=Rs.1400
  • Time T=5T = 5T=5 years
  • Difference in Simple Interest SI2−SI1=Rs.60SI_2 - SI_1 = Rs. 60SI2​−SI1​=Rs.60

Steps to Solve:

1.        Calculate Simple Interest for Rs. 1000: SI1=P1×R×T100SI_1 = \frac{P_1 \times R \times T}{100}SI1​=100P1​×R×T​

2.        Calculate Simple Interest for Rs. 1400: SI2=P2×R×T100SI_2 = \frac{P_2 \times R \times T}{100}SI2​=100P2​×R×T​

3.        Set up the Equation based on the given difference in interest: SI2−SI1=60SI_2 - SI_1 = 60SI2​−SI1​=60 Substitute the expressions for SI1SI_1SI1​ and SI2SI_2SI2​: 1400×R×5100−1000×R×5100=60\frac{1400 \times R \times 5}{100} - \frac{1000 \times R \times 5}{100} = 601001400×R×5​−1001000×R×5​=60

4.        Simplify and solve the equation: 1400R−1000R=601400R - 1000R = 601400R−1000R=60 400R=60400R = 60400R=60

5.        Calculate the rate of interest per annum (R): R=60400R = \frac{60}{400}R=40060​ R=0.15R = 0.15R=0.15

6.        Convert to percentage (since rate is usually expressed as a percentage): R=0.15×100%R = 0.15 \times 100\%R=0.15×100% R=15%R = 15\%R=15%


The rate of interest per annum is 15%. Therefore, the rate per cent per annum is 15%.

A certain sum is invested for certain time. It amounts to Rs. 450 at 7% per annum. But, when invested at 5% per annum, it amounts to `350. Find out the sum and time.Bottom of Form

To find the principal amount (sum) and the time, we can use the given information about two different investments with their respective interest rates and amounts.


  • Amount after investing at 7% per annum: Rs. 450
  • Amount after investing at 5% per annum: Rs. 350

Let's denote:

  • P as the principal sum (the amount invested)
  • T as the time period (in years)

Using the formula for Simple Interest:

1.        For the investment at 7% per annum: SI1=P×7×T100SI_1 = \frac{P \times 7 \times T}{100}SI1​=100P×7×T​

2.        For the investment at 5% per annum: SI2=P×5×T100SI_2 = \frac{P \times 5 \times T}{100}SI2​=100P×5×T​

Setting up equations:

From the given amounts:

  • At 7% interest: P+SI1=450P + SI_1 = 450P+SI1​=450
  • At 5% interest: P+SI2=350P + SI_2 = 350P+SI2​=350

Substitute the expressions for SI:

P+P×7×T100=450P + \frac{P \times 7 \times T}{100} = 450P+100P×7×T​=450 P+7PT100=450P + \frac{7PT}{100} = 450P+1007PT​=450 ...(1)

P+P×5×T100=350P + \frac{P \times 5 \times T}{100} = 350P+100P×5×T​=350 P+5PT100=350P + \frac{5PT}{100} = 350P+1005PT​=350 ...(2)

Solving the equations:

Subtract equation (2) from equation (1):

7PT100−5PT100=450−350\frac{7PT}{100} - \frac{5PT}{100} = 450 - 3501007PT​−1005PT​=450−350 2PT100=100\frac{2PT}{100} = 1001002PT​=100 2PT=100002PT = 100002PT=10000 PT=5000PT = 5000PT=5000

Now, we have PT=5000PT = 5000PT=5000.

Finding P and T:

From equation (1): P+7PT100=450P + \frac{7PT}{100} = 450P+1007PT​=450 Substituting PT=5000PT = 5000PT=5000: P+7×5000100=450P + \frac{7 \times 5000}{100} = 450P+1007×5000​=450 P+350=450P + 350 = 450P+350=450 P=450−350P = 450 - 350P=450−350 P=100P = 100P=100

So, the principal sum PPP is Rs. 100.

Now, find TTT: PT=5000PT = 5000PT=5000 100×T=5000100 \times T = 5000100×T=5000 T=5000100T = \frac{5000}{100}T=1005000​ T=50 yearsT = 50 \text{ years}T=50 years


The principal sum (amount invested) is Rs. 100, and the time period (T) is 50 years. These values satisfy both conditions given in the problem statement.

What is the present worth of Rs.132 due in 2 years at 5% simple interest per annum?

To find the present worth (present value) of Rs. 132 due in 2 years at 5% simple interest per annum, we can use the formula for Simple Interest to discount the future amount back to the present.


  • Future amount (Amount due in 2 years): Rs. 132
  • Time (T): 2 years
  • Rate of Interest (R): 5% per annum

Formula for Simple Interest:

The formula for Simple Interest is: SI=P×R×T100SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}SI=100P×R×T​


  • PPP is the Principal (or present worth)
  • RRR is the Rate of Interest per annum
  • TTT is the Time period in years

Steps to Calculate Present Worth:

1.        Calculate Simple Interest (SI) for Rs. 132 over 2 years at 5% per annum: SI=132×5×2100SI = \frac{132 \times 5 \times 2}{100}SI=100132×5×2​ SI=132×10100SI = \frac{132 \times 10}{100}SI=100132×10​ SI=13.2SI = 13.2SI=13.2

2.        Find the Present Worth (P): Since the present worth is the amount that, when invested at 5% simple interest for 2 years, would accumulate to Rs. 132, we subtract the Simple Interest from the Future Amount: P=132−SIP = 132 - SIP=132−SI P=132−13.2P = 132 - 13.2P=132−13.2 P=118.8P = 118.8P=118.8


The present worth (present value) of Rs. 132 due in 2 years at 5% simple interest per annum is Rs. 118.8.

It seems there's an inconsistency in the calculation. Let's correct that and find the accurate present worth (present value) of Rs. 132 due in 2 years at 5% simple interest per annum.

To find the present worth using simple interest, we typically use the formula to discount the future amount back to the present.


  • Future amount (Amount due in 2 years): Rs. 132
  • Time (T): 2 years
  • Rate of Interest (R): 5% per annum

Formula for Simple Interest:

The formula for Simple Interest is: SI=P×R×T100SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}SI=100P×R×T​


  • PPP is the Principal (or present worth)
  • RRR is the Rate of Interest per annum
  • TTT is the Time period in years

Steps to Calculate Present Worth:

1.        Calculate Simple Interest (SI) for Rs. 132 over 2 years at 5% per annum: SI=132×5×2100SI = \frac{132 \times 5 \times 2}{100}SI=100132×5×2​ SI=132×10100SI = \frac{132 \times 10}{100}SI=100132×10​ SI=13.2SI = 13.2SI=13.2

2.        Find the Present Worth (P): Since the present worth is the amount that, when invested at 5% simple interest for 2 years, would accumulate to Rs. 132, we need to subtract the Simple Interest from the Future Amount to find the Present Worth: P=1321+(5100)×2P = \frac{132}{1 + \left(\frac{5}{100}\right) \times 2}P=1+(1005​)×2132​ P=1321+0.1P = \frac{132}{1 + 0.1}P=1+0.1132​ P=1321.1P = \frac{132}{1.1}P=1.1132​ P=120P = 120P=120


The correct present worth (present value) of Rs. 132 due in 2 years at 5% simple interest per annum is Rs. 120. This means that Rs. 120 invested today at 5% per annum simple interest would grow to Rs. 132 in 2 years.

Out of a certain sum, is invested at 3%, at 6% and the rest at 8%. If the annual income is Rs. 300, then find original sum.Top of Form

To find the original sum invested at different interest rates given the annual income, we can set up equations based on the information provided.

Let's denote:

  • xxx as the amount invested at 3%,
  • yyy as the amount invested at 6%,
  • zzz as the amount invested at 8%,


  • Total annual income from investments x+y+z=300x + y + z = 300x+y+z=300 (in Rs.)

Setting up Equations:

1.        Income from the investment at 3%: 3100×x=0.03x\frac{3}{100} \times x = 0.03x1003​×x=0.03x

2.        Income from the investment at 6%: 6100×y=0.06y\frac{6}{100} \times y = 0.06y1006​×y=0.06y

3.        Income from the investment at 8%: 8100×z=0.08z\frac{8}{100} \times z = 0.08z1008​×z=0.08z

Given the total annual income: 0.03x+0.06y+0.08z=3000.03x + 0.06y + 0.08z = 3000.03x+0.06y+0.08z=300

Solving the System of Equations:

Now we have two equations:

1.        x+y+z=300x + y + z = 300x+y+z=300

2.        0.03x+0.06y+0.08z=3000.03x + 0.06y + 0.08z = 3000.03x+0.06y+0.08z=300

Let's solve these equations step-by-step:

From equation 1, express zzz in terms of xxx and yyy: z=300−x−yz = 300 - x - yz=300−x−y

Substitute zzz into equation 2: 0.03x+0.06y+0.08(300−x−y)=3000.03x + 0.06y + 0.08(300 - x - y) = 3000.03x+0.06y+0.08(300−x−y)=300

Simplify and solve for xxx and yyy:

0.03x+0.06y+24−0.08x−0.08y=3000.03x + 0.06y + 24 - 0.08x - 0.08y = 3000.03x+0.06y+24−0.08x−0.08y=300 −0.05x−0.02y=276-0.05x - 0.02y = 276−0.05x−0.02y=276

Multiply through by -1 to simplify: 0.05x+0.02y=−2760.05x + 0.02y = -2760.05x+0.02y=−276

Now, use the substitution or elimination method to solve for xxx and yyy. Once you find xxx and yyy, you can calculate z=300−x−yz = 300 - x - yz=300−x−y.


The original sum invested x+y+zx + y + zx+y+z, where xxx, yyy, and zzz are invested at 3%, 6%, and 8% respectively, will be the total sum that yields an annual income of Rs. 300 according to the given interest rates.

Unit 09: Compound Interest

9.1 Compound Interest

9.2 Computation of Compound Interest

9.3 Computation of Principal

9.4 Computation of Rate or Rate of Interest

9.5 Computation of Amount

9.6 Relation between Compound and Simple Interest

9.1 Compound Interest

1.        Definition: Compound interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods.

2.        Formula: The formula to calculate compound interest (CI) is: A=P(1+R100)nA = P \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^nA=P(1+100R​)n Where:

o    AAA is the amount after nnn years,

o    PPP is the principal amount (initial sum),

o    RRR is the annual interest rate,

o    nnn is the number of years.

3.        Calculation Example: For example, if you have Rs. 1000 as principal at 5% per annum compounded annually for 2 years: A=1000(1+5100)2A = 1000 \left(1 + \frac{5}{100}\right)^2A=1000(1+1005​)2 A=1000(1+0.05)2A = 1000 \left(1 + 0.05\right)^2A=1000(1+0.05)2 A=1000×1.1025A = 1000 \times 1.1025A=1000×1.1025 A=1102.50A = 1102.50A=1102.50 So, the amount after 2 years would be Rs. 1102.50.

9.2 Computation of Compound Interest

1.        Formula: Compound Interest (CI) can be calculated using the formula: CI=A−PCI = A - PCI=A−P Where:

o    CICICI is the compound interest,

o    AAA is the amount after nnn years,

o    PPP is the principal amount.

2.        Calculation Example: Using the example above, CI=1102.50−1000CI = 1102.50 - 1000CI=1102.50−1000 CI=102.50CI = 102.50CI=102.50 So, the compound interest earned over 2 years would be Rs. 102.50.

9.3 Computation of Principal

1.        Finding Principal: If you know the amount, rate, and time, and you want to find the principal amount: P=A(1+R100)nP = \frac{A}{\left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^n}P=(1+100R​)nA​

2.        Example: If the amount after 3 years at 8% compounded annually is Rs. 1250: P=1250(1+8100)3P = \frac{1250}{\left(1 + \frac{8}{100}\right)^3}P=(1+1008​)31250​

9.4 Computation of Rate or Rate of Interest

1.        Finding Rate: If you know the principal, amount, and time, and you want to find the rate of interest: R=100×((AP)1n−1)R = 100 \times \left(\left(\frac{A}{P}\right)^{\frac{1}{n}} - 1\right)R=100×((PA​)n1​−1)

2.        Example: If Rs. 2000 grows to Rs. 2420 in 2 years: R=100×((24202000)12−1)R = 100 \times \left(\left(\frac{2420}{2000}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}} - 1\right)R=100×((20002420​)21​−1)

9.5 Computation of Amount

1.        Finding Amount: If you know the principal, rate, and time, and you want to find the amount: A=P(1+R100)nA = P \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^nA=P(1+100R​)n

2.        Example: If Rs. 5000 is invested at 6% compounded semi-annually for 3 years: A=5000(1+6200)6A = 5000 \left(1 + \frac{6}{200}\right)^6A=5000(1+2006​)6

9.6 Relation between Compound and Simple Interest

1.        Difference: Compound interest generally yields higher returns compared to simple interest over the same period, especially for longer durations.

2.        Formula: The difference between compound interest (CI) and simple interest (SI) for nnn years at R%R \%R% per annum is given by: CI−SI=P[(1+R100)n−1]−P(R100)×nCI - SI = P \left[\left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^n - 1\right] - P \left(\frac{R}{100}\right) \times nCI−SI=P[(1+100R​)n−1]−P(100R​)×n

3.        Effect: Compound interest grows exponentially while simple interest grows linearly.


  • Compound interest involves interest on interest, increasing the total amount over time.
  • It's crucial for long-term investments and savings.
  • Understanding the relationship between principal, rate, time, and amount helps in financial planning and investment decisions.

This breakdown should provide a comprehensive overview of Unit 09 on Compound Interest.

Summary: Key Concepts Learned in Unit 09 - Compound Interest

1.        Basic Concept of Compound Interest (C.I.):

o    Compound interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest from previous periods.

o    Formula: A=P(1+R100)nA = P \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^nA=P(1+100R​)n

§  AAA: Amount after nnn years

§  PPP: Principal amount (initial sum)

§  RRR: Annual interest rate

§  nnn: Number of years

2.        Formula-Based Problem Solving:

o    We practiced applying the compound interest formula to calculate:

§  Amount (A) accumulated after a certain period.

§  Compound interest (CI) earned over a period.

§  Principal (P), given the amount (A) after a certain period.

3.        Difference Between Simple Interest (S.I.) and Compound Interest (C.I.):

o    Simple Interest: Calculated only on the principal amount.

§  Formula: SI=P×R×T100SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}SI=100P×R×T​

o    Compound Interest: Includes interest on interest, leading to higher returns over time compared to simple interest.

§  Formula: CI=A−PCI = A - PCI=A−P

4.        Solving Problems Based on S.I. and C.I. Differences:

o    We explored scenarios where:

§  Compound interest significantly outpaces simple interest due to its compounding effect over multiple periods.

§  Calculated the difference in interest earned over a specified duration using both methods.

Practical Application and Importance:

  • Financial Planning: Understanding compound interest is crucial for financial planning, as it affects savings growth and investment returns over time.
  • Investment Decisions: Helps in making informed decisions about long-term investments based on potential compound growth.
  • Comparative Analysis: Enables comparison between different investment options based on their compound interest projections.


Unit 09 provided a solid foundation in compound interest, covering its basic concept, formula applications, and distinguishing it from simple interest. This knowledge equips us to calculate returns accurately over time, aiding in financial decision-making and long-term financial goals.

Keywords in Compound Interest

1.        Principal:

o    Definition: The initial amount of money invested or borrowed.

o    Symbol: PPP

o    Importance: It forms the basis on which interest is calculated.

2.        Rate:

o    Definition: The percentage at which interest is charged or earned per unit of time (usually per annum).

o    Symbol: RRR

o    Importance: Determines the growth rate of the principal amount over time.

3.        Time:

o    Definition: The duration for which the money is invested or borrowed, typically in years.

o    Symbol: nnn

o    Importance: Affects the total interest earned or paid, influencing the final amount.

4.        Compound Interest (C.I.):

o    Definition: Interest calculated on both the initial principal and the accumulated interest from previous periods.

o    Formula: A=P(1+R100)nA = P \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^nA=P(1+100R​)n

§  AAA: Amount after nnn years

§  PPP: Principal amount

§  RRR: Annual interest rate

§  nnn: Number of compounding periods

o    Importance: Reflects the exponential growth of investments or debt over time.

5.        Amount:

o    Definition: The total money accumulated after interest has been added to the principal.

o    Symbol: AAA

o    Formula: A=P+CIA = P + CIA=P+CI

§  CICICI: Compound Interest

o    Importance: Represents the final value of an investment or the total debt owed after including interest.

6.        Difference between C.I. and S.I.:

o    Simple Interest (S.I.):

§  Interest calculated only on the principal amount.

§  Formula: SI=P×R×T100SI = \frac{P \times R \times T}{100}SI=100P×R×T​

o    Compound Interest (C.I.):

§  Interest calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest from previous periods.

§  Formula: CI=A−PCI = A - PCI=A−P

o    Key Differences:

§  C.I. yields higher returns over time compared to S.I. due to compounding.

§  S.I. remains constant for each time period, while C.I. increases with each compounding period.

Practical Application:

  • Investment Planning: Helps in understanding how investments grow over time with compound interest.
  • Loan Calculations: Assists in determining the total amount owed over time with compound interest on loans.
  • Financial Forecasting: Enables accurate projections of future savings or debt based on varying interest rates and durations.


Understanding these keywords in compound interest is fundamental for both personal finance management and financial decision-making in various sectors. They provide insights into the growth or cost implications of investments and loans over time, influencing financial strategies and goals.

Find compound interest on Rs. 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a.

To find the compound interest on Rs. 5000 for 2 years at 4% per annum, we can use the compound interest formula:

A=P(1+R100)nA = P \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^nA=P(1+100R​)n


  • PPP is the principal amount (Rs. 5000),
  • RRR is the annual interest rate (4% or 0.04 in decimal form),
  • nnn is the number of years (2 years),
  • AAA is the amount after nnn years including interest.

First, calculate the amount after 2 years:

A=5000(1+4100)2A = 5000 \left(1 + \frac{4}{100}\right)^2A=5000(1+1004​)2 A=5000(1+0.04)2A = 5000 \left(1 + 0.04\right)^2A=5000(1+0.04)2 A=5000×1.042A = 5000 \times 1.04^2A=5000×1.042 A=5000×1.0816A = 5000 \times 1.0816A=5000×1.0816 A=5408A = 5408A=5408

Now, calculate the compound interest CICICI:

CI=A−PCI = A - PCI=A−P CI=5408−5000CI = 5408 - 5000CI=5408−5000 CI=408CI = 408CI=408

Therefore, the compound interest on Rs. 5000 for 2 years at 4% per annum is Rs. 408.

At what rate of compound interest per annum will a sum of Rs. 1200 become Rs. 1348.32 in 2 years?Top of Form

To find the rate of compound interest per annum that will make a sum of Rs. 1200 become Rs. 1348.32 in 2 years, we'll use the compound interest formula and solve for the rate RRR.


  • Principal amount (P) = Rs. 1200
  • Amount after 2 years (A) = Rs. 1348.32
  • Time (n) = 2 years

The compound interest formula is: A=P(1+R100)nA = P \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^nA=P(1+100R​)n

Substitute the given values into the formula:

1348.32=1200(1+R100)21348.32 = 1200 \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^21348.32=1200(1+100R​)2

Divide both sides by 1200 to simplify:

1348.321200=(1+R100)2\frac{1348.32}{1200} = \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^212001348.32​=(1+100R​)2

1.1236=(1+R100)21.1236 = \left(1 + \frac{R}{100}\right)^21.1236=(1+100R​)2

Take the square root of both sides to solve for 1+R1001 + \frac{R}{100}1+100R​:

1+R100=1.12361 + \frac{R}{100} = \sqrt{1.1236}1+100R​=1.1236​

1+R100=1.06011 + \frac{R}{100} = 1.06011+100R​=1.0601

Subtract 1 from both sides:

R100=0.0601\frac{R}{100} = 0.0601100R​=0.0601

Multiply both sides by 100 to solve for RRR:

R=0.0601×100R = 0.0601 \times 100R=0.0601×100

R=6.01R = 6.01R=6.01

Therefore, the rate of compound interest per annum that will make a sum of Rs. 1200 become Rs. 1348.32 in 2 years is approximately 6.01%.

Divide Rs. 8840 between A and B so that the amount received by A at the end of 8 years may be equal to the amount received by B at the end of 10 years, compound interest being at 10% per annum.Top of Form

To solve this problem, we need to ensure that the amount received by A after 8 years equals the amount received by B after 10 years, given compound interest at 10% per annum.

Let's denote:

  • Principal amount PPP to be divided between A and B.
  • A receives AfinalA_{\text{final}}Afinal​ after 8 years.
  • B receives BfinalB_{\text{final}}Bfinal​ after 10 years.

The compound interest formula for the final amount AfinalA_{\text{final}}Afinal​ after 8 years is: Afinal=P×(1+10100)8A_{\text{final}} = P \times (1 + \frac{10}{100})^8Afinal​=P×(1+10010​)8

Similarly, for B after 10 years: Bfinal=P×(1+10100)10B_{\text{final}} = P \times (1 + \frac{10}{100})^{10}Bfinal​=P×(1+10010​)10

We are given that Afinal=BfinalA_{\text{final}} = B_{\text{final}}Afinal​=Bfinal​.

So, equating them gives: P×(1+10100)8=P×(1+10100)10P \times (1 + \frac{10}{100})^8 = P \times (1 + \frac{10}{100})^{10}P×(1+10010​)8=P×(1+10010​)10

Dividing both sides by PPP (assuming P≠0P \neq 0P=0): (1+10100)8=(1+10100)10(1 + \frac{10}{100})^8 = (1 + \frac{10}{100})^{10}(1+10010​)8=(1+10010​)10

Now, simplify this equation: (1.10)8=(1.10)10(1.10)^8 = (1.10)^{10}(1.10)8=(1.10)10

Divide both sides by (1.10)8(1.10)^8(1.10)8: 1=(1.10)10−81 = (1.10)^{10 - 8}1=(1.10)10−8 1=(1.10)21 = (1.10)^21=(1.10)2 1=1.211 = 1.211=1.21

This is not correct. Let me calculate

Find the compound interest on Rs. 1000 at 40% per annum compounded quarterly for 1 year.

To find the compound interest on Rs. 1000 at 40% per annum compounded quarterly for 1 year, we can use the formula for compound interest:

A=P(1+rn)ntA = P \left(1 + \frac{r}{n}\right)^{nt}A=P(1+nr​)nt


  • PPP is the principal amount (initial investment), which is Rs. 1000 in this case.
  • rrr is the annual interest rate in decimal form, so r=40%=0.40r = 40\% = 0.40r=40%=0.40.
  • nnn is the number of times interest is compounded per year, which is 4 times (quarterly).
  • ttt is the time the money is invested for in years, which is 1 year.

First, calculate the quarterly interest rate: rn=0.404=0.10\frac{r}{n} = \frac{0.40}{4} = 0.10nr​=40.40​=0.10

Now, substitute these values into the compound interest formula: A=1000(1+0.10)41A = 1000 \left(1 + 0.10\right)^{4 \cdot 1}A=1000(1+0.10)41 A=1000(1.10)4A = 1000 \left(1.10\right)^{4}A=1000(1.10)4

Calculate (1.10)4(1.10)^4(1.10)4: (1.10)4=1.10×1.10×1.10×1.10(1.10)^4 = 1.10 \times 1.10 \times 1.10 \times 1.10(1.10)4=1.10×1.10×1.10×1.10 (1.10)4=1.4641(1.10)^4 = 1.4641(1.10)4=1.4641

Now, calculate the amount AAA: A=1000×1.4641A = 1000 \times 1.4641A=1000×1.4641 A≈1464.10A \approx 1464.10A≈1464.10

Now, to find the compound interest III, subtract the principal PPP from the amount AAA: I=A−PI = A - PI=A−P I=1464.10−1000I = 1464.10 - 1000I=1464.10−1000 I=464.10I = 464.10I=464.10

Therefore, the compound interest on Rs. 1000 at 40% per annum compounded quarterly for 1 year is approximately Rs. 464.10.

Find the compound interest on Rs. 4000 at 24% per annum for 3 months, compounded monthly.

To find the compound interest on Rs. 4000 at 24% per annum for 3 months, compounded monthly, we need to adjust the time period to match the monthly compounding frequency.

Here's the step-by-step solution:

1.        Convert the annual interest rate to monthly rate:

Annual interest rate rrr = 24% per annum = 24/100 = 0.24

Monthly interest rate r12\frac{r}{12}12r​ = 0.2412\frac{0.24}{12}120.24​ = 0.02 (since there Therefore Even if understood

Unit 10: Alphabet Test

10.1 Alphabet Test

10.2 Type of Alphabet Arrangement

10.3 Logical Sequence of Words

10.4 Type of Logical Sequence Questions

10.1 Alphabet Test

The Alphabet Test is a type of aptitude test question where you are typically given a series of letters and are required to identify the logical pattern or sequence among them. These tests assess your ability to recognize and manipulate alphabetical sequences and patterns.

10.2 Types of Alphabet Arrangement

There are several types of alphabet arrangements that can be tested:

  • Forward Alphabet Series: Here, you need to identify the letter that follows a given sequence of letters in the alphabet. Example: If the series is A, B, C, D, ___, the answer would be E.
  • Backward Alphabet Series: In this type, you identify the letter that precedes a given sequence of letters in the alphabet. Example: If the series is Z, Y, X, W, ___, the answer would be V.
  • Mixed Series: This involves a combination of forward and backward sequences where you need to identify both preceding and succeeding letters based on the given pattern.

10.3 Logical Sequence of Words

Logical sequence questions in the context of alphabets involve arranging letters or words in a logical order based on a certain rule or pattern. This may include:

  • Dictionary Order: Arranging words or letters in alphabetical order as per the dictionary. Example: Arrange the following words in alphabetical order: Apple, Ball, Cat, Dog. The answer would be Apple, Ball, Cat, Dog.
  • Reverse Dictionary Order: Arranging words or letters in reverse alphabetical order. Example: Arrange the following words in reverse alphabetical order: Zebra, Tiger, Lion, Elephant. The answer would be Zebra, Tiger, Lion, Elephant.

10.4 Types of Logical Sequence Questions

Logical sequence questions involving alphabets can be categorized into different types:

  • Letter-Based Sequences: These questions involve patterns or sequences based on the position of letters in the alphabet. Example: Identify the next letter in the sequence: A, C, E, G, ___? The answer would be I.
  • Word-Based Sequences: These questions involve arranging words or groups of letters based on a specific rule or pattern. Example: Arrange the following words based on their lengths: Dog, Cat, Elephant, Bird. The answer would be Cat, Dog, Bird, Elephant.
  • Mixed Sequences: Some questions may combine both letter and word sequences in a single problem, requiring you to apply multiple rules or patterns to solve them.


The Alphabet Test and its related concepts in Unit 10 focus on your ability to recognize patterns, sequences, and logical arrangements involving alphabets and words. Practice is key to mastering these types of questions, as they often appear in various aptitude tests and examinations.

Summary of Key Concepts

1.        Alphabet Test Basics

o    Definition: The Alphabet Test evaluates your ability to recognize and manipulate alphabetical sequences and patterns.

o    Types of Questions: Includes forward, backward, and mixed alphabet series where you identify the next or previous letter in a sequence.

2.        Types of Alphabet Arrangements

o    Forward Alphabet Series: Identifying the letter that follows a given sequence.

§  Example: A, B, C, D, ___. Answer: E.

o    Backward Alphabet Series: Identifying the letter that precedes a given sequence.

§  Example: Z, Y, X, W, ___. Answer: V.

o    Mixed Series: Combination of forward and backward sequences requiring identification of both preceding and succeeding letters.

3.        Logical Sequence of Words

o    Dictionary Order: Arranging words or letters in alphabetical order as per the dictionary.

§  Example: Arrange Apple, Ball, Cat, Dog in alphabetical order. Answer: Apple, Ball, Cat, Dog.

o    Reverse Dictionary Order: Arranging words or letters in reverse alphabetical order.

§  Example: Arrange Zebra, Tiger, Lion, Elephant in reverse alphabetical order. Answer: Zebra, Tiger, Lion, Elephant.

4.        Solving Strategies and Tricks

o    Pattern Recognition: Developing skills to identify patterns or rules governing alphabetical sequences.

o    Meaning-Based Approach: Understanding questions in context and applying logical reasoning to solve them effectively.

o    Use of Dictionary: Using dictionary rules to arrange words or letters alphabetically or in reverse order.

5.        Practice and Application

o    Application in Aptitude Tests: Importance of practicing various types of alphabet tests and logical sequences to enhance problem-solving abilities.

o    Real-Life Applications: Skills learned are applicable in exams, competitive tests, and real-life scenarios requiring analytical thinking and pattern recognition.


Unit 10 on the Alphabet Test and Logical Sequence has equipped you with fundamental skills in recognizing and solving alphabetical patterns and logical arrangements. By mastering these concepts and strategies, you can confidently approach various types of alphabet test questions and logical sequence problems in assessments and everyday situations. Regular practice and application of learned techniques will further enhance your proficiency in this area.


1.        Alphabet Test

o    Definition: An aptitude test that assesses your ability to understand and manipulate alphabetical sequences and patterns.

o    Types of Questions:

§  Forward Alphabet Series: Identifying the next letter in a sequence (e.g., A, B, C, D, ___).

§  Backward Alphabet Series: Identifying the previous letter in a sequence (e.g., Z, Y, X, W, ___).

§  Mixed Alphabet Series: Combining forward and backward sequences.

2.        Logical Sequence

o    Definition: Involves arranging words or letters in a logical order based on specific rules or patterns.

o    Types of Logical Sequences:

§  Dictionary Order: Arranging words alphabetically as per their dictionary definitions.

§  Reverse Dictionary Order: Arranging words in reverse alphabetical order.

§  Pattern-Based Sequences: Arranging based on a given pattern or rule.

3.        Word Formation

o    Definition: The process of creating new words by rearranging letters or parts of words.

o    Types of Word Formation Questions:

§  Unscrambling Letters: Rearranging scrambled letters to form meaningful words.

§  Prefix/Suffix Addition: Adding prefixes or suffixes to existing words to form new ones.

§  Word Association: Forming words related to a given theme or concept.


  • Alphabet Test:
    • Tests your ability to understand and predict patterns in alphabetical sequences.
    • Helps in developing logical reasoning skills by recognizing sequential patterns.
  • Logical Sequence:
    • Focuses on arranging words or letters based on specific rules like alphabetical order or defined patterns.
    • Enhances analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Word Formation:
    • Involves manipulating letters to create new meaningful words.
    • Develops vocabulary and linguistic skills, particularly in recognizing word patterns and structures.


  • Educational Context:
    • Vital in aptitude tests, competitive exams, and educational assessments.
    • Improves language proficiency and logical reasoning abilities.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Useful in professions requiring analytical skills such as linguistics, coding, and puzzle-solving.
    • Enhances communication skills through better understanding of word structures and meanings.

By mastering these keywords and their associated concepts, you can effectively tackle various types of alphabet test questions, logical sequence problems, and word formation challenges encountered in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. Regular practice and application will further strengthen your skills in these areas.

1.Arrange the following words asper their order in the dictionary:






(1) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3

(2) 5, 1, 2, 3, 4

(3) 1, 4, 5, 2, 3

(4) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2

To arrange the words PHYSICAL, PHYSICS, PHYSIOLOGY, PHYSICIAN, and PHONE in alphabetical order according to their dictionary entries, we need to compare the words letter by letter from the beginning:

1.        PHYSICAL

2.        PHYSICS

3.        PHYSIOLOGY

4.        PHYSICIAN

5.        PHONE

Let's compare each pair of words based on their starting letters:

  • PHONE vs PHYSICS: PHONE comes before PHYSICS.



So, the correct alphabetical order is: PHONE, PHYSICAL, PHYSICIAN, PHYSICS, PHYSIOLOGY.

Therefore, the correct arrangement according to their order in the dictionary is:

(2) 5, 1, 2, 3, 4

This matches option (2): 5, 1, 2, 3, 4

Arrange the following words asper order in the dictionary:

1. Ambitions

2. Ambiguous

3. Ambiguity

4. Animation

5. Animal

(1) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5

(2) 3, 2, 5, 4, 1

(3) 3, 2, 1, 5, 4

(4) 3, 2, 4, 5, 1

Ambitions, Ambiguous, Ambiguity, Animation, and Animal in alphabetical order according to their dictionary entries, we need to compare them letter by letter:

1.        Ambiguity

2.        Ambiguous

3.        Ambitions

4.        Animation

5.        Animal

Let's compare each pair of words based on their starting letters:

  • Animal vs Ambiguous: Animal comes before Ambiguous.
  • Animal vs Ambiguity: Animal comes before Ambiguity.
  • Animal vs Ambitions: Animal comes before Ambitions.
  • Animal vs Animation: Animal comes before Animation.

Now, among Ambiguous, Ambiguity, Ambitions, and Animation:

  • Ambiguity vs Ambiguous: Ambiguity comes before Ambiguous.
  • Ambiguity vs Ambitions: Ambiguity comes before Ambitions.
  • Ambiguity vs Animation: Ambiguity comes before Animation.

So, the correct alphabetical order is: Animal, Ambiguous, Ambiguity, Ambitions, Animation.

Therefore, the correct arrangement according to their order in the dictionary is:

(2) 3, 2, 5, 4, 1

This matches option (2): 3, 2, 5, 4, 1.

3.Arrange the following words asper order in the dictionary:

1. Brittle

2. Brisk

3. Bright

4. Bride

(1) 4, 3, 2, 1

(2) 1, 2, 3, 4

(3) 2, 3, 4, 1

(4) 4, 2, 1, 3

To arrange the words Brittle, Brisk, Bright, and Bride in alphabetical order according to their dictionary entries, let's compare them letter by letter:

1.        Brittle

2.        Brisk

3.        Bright

4.        Bride

Comparing each pair based on their starting letters:

  • Bride vs Brisk: Bride comes before Brisk.
  • Bride vs Bright: Bride comes before Bright.
  • Bride vs Brittle: Bride comes before Brittle.

Now, among Brisk, Bright, and Brittle:

  • Brisk vs Bright: Brisk comes before Bright.
  • Brisk vs Brittle: Brisk comes before Brittle.

Lastly, comparing Bright and Brittle:

  • Bright vs Brittle: Bright comes before Brittle.

So, the correct alphabetical order is: Bride, Brisk, Bright, Brittle.

Therefore, the correct arrangement according to their order in the dictionary is:

(2) 1, 2, 3, 4

This matches option (2): 1, 2, 3, 4.

4.Arrange the following words asper order in the dictionary:

1. Preach

2. Praise

3. Precinet

4. Precept

5. Precede

(1) 2, 1, 5, 4, 3

(2) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5

(3) 2, 5, 1, 4, 3

(4) 1, 2, 5, 4, 3

Preach, Praise, Precinet, Precept, and Precede in alphabetical order according to their dictionary entries, let's compare them letter by letter:

1.        Praise

2.        Preach

3.        Precinet

4.        Precept

5.        Precede

Comparing each pair based on their starting letters:

  • Praise vs Preach: Praise comes before Preach.
  • Praise vs Precede: Praise comes before Precede.
  • Praise vs Precinet: Praise comes before Precinet.
  • Praise vs Precept: Praise comes before Precept.

Now, among Preach, Precinet, Precept, and Precede:

  • Preach vs Precinet: Preach comes before Precinet.
  • Preach vs Precept: Preach comes before Precept.
  • Preach vs Precede: Preach comes before Precede.

So, the correct alphabetical order is: Praise, Preach, Precinet, Precept, Precede.

Therefore, the correct arrangement according to their order in the dictionary is:

(2) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5



Unit 11: Number Test

11.1 Number Test

11.2 Position Switching of Numbers

11.3 Problems on Number Test

11.1 Number Test

The Number Test is a type of aptitude test question that involves manipulating and understanding numerical sequences, patterns, and relationships. These tests assess your ability to recognize numerical patterns and apply logical reasoning to solve problems.

  • Types of Questions:
    • Number Series: Identifying the next number in a sequence based on a pattern (e.g., 2, 4, 6, ___, 10).
    • Number Analogies: Finding a relationship between numbers and applying it to find a missing number (e.g., 3:6::5:___).
    • Number Patterns: Recognizing patterns in number arrangements (e.g., 1, 3, 6, 10, ___).

11.2 Position Switching of Numbers

This involves questions where numbers are arranged in a specific sequence, and you are required to identify what happens when positions of some numbers are switched or altered.

  • Example: Given a sequence like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, if positions of numbers 2 and 4 are switched, what will the new sequence be?
  • Skills Tested: Ability to visualize and understand the effect of switching positions in a numerical sequence.

11.3 Problems on Number Test

These are practical problems or scenarios that apply concepts from the Number Test to real-world or abstract situations. They often require logical deduction and pattern recognition.

  • Example Problem:
    • Question: If every third number starting from 4 in a sequence of numbers is removed, which number will be 8th in the modified sequence?
    • Skills Tested: Ability to count and skip numbers in a sequence, understanding positional relationships.


Unit 11 on the Number Test focuses on enhancing your numerical reasoning abilities through various types of questions and scenarios. By practicing these tests, you can improve your pattern recognition, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are valuable in aptitude tests, competitive exams, and real-world applications requiring analytical abilities.

Mastering the Number Test involves:

  • Understanding different types of number-related questions.
  • Practicing to identify patterns and relationships among numbers.
  • Developing strategies to solve problems involving numerical sequences and patterns effectively.

Regular practice and a clear understanding of the underlying concepts will help you excel in this area.

Summary of Key Concepts

1.        Number Test

o    Definition: The Number Test evaluates your ability to understand and manipulate numerical sequences, patterns, and relationships.

o    Types of Questions:

§  Number Series: Identifying the next number in a sequence based on a pattern.

§  Number Analogies: Finding relationships between numbers and applying them to solve problems.

§  Number Patterns: Recognizing and extending patterns in numerical arrangements.

2.        Position Switching of Numbers

o    Definition: Involves questions where positions of numbers within a sequence are altered, and you need to identify the resulting sequence.

o    Example: Switching the positions of specific numbers in a sequence and determining the new arrangement.

3.        Solving Strategies

o    Pattern Recognition: Developing skills to identify and extend numerical patterns.

o    Logical Deduction: Applying logical reasoning to understand how switching positions of numbers affects the sequence.

o    Practice Techniques: Practicing different types of Number Test questions and position switching scenarios to improve problem-solving abilities.


  • Educational Context:
    • Essential for aptitude tests, competitive exams, and assessments requiring numerical reasoning.
    • Enhances mathematical and logical thinking skills.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Useful in professions involving data analysis, programming, and problem-solving.
    • Develops critical thinking abilities applicable to various situations requiring pattern recognition and logical deduction.


Unit 11 on the Number Test and Position Switching of Numbers has equipped you with essential skills in numerical reasoning and pattern recognition. By understanding these concepts and practicing different types of questions, you can confidently approach Number Test problems and effectively solve position switching scenarios in assessments and practical scenarios.

Regular practice and application of learned strategies will further enhance your proficiency in recognizing numerical patterns and solving complex problems related to the Number Test and position switching of numbers.


1.        Number Test

o    Definition: An assessment or question type designed to evaluate a person's ability to understand and manipulate numerical sequences, patterns, and relationships.

o    Types of Questions:

§  Number Series: Identifying the next number in a sequence based on a given pattern.

§  Number Analogies: Finding relationships between numbers and applying them to solve problems.

§  Number Patterns: Recognizing and extending patterns in numerical arrangements.

2.        Position Switching of Numbers

o    Definition: Involves altering the positions of numbers within a sequence and identifying the resulting sequence.

o    Example: Given a sequence of numbers, switch the positions of specific numbers and determine the new sequence.

o    Skills Tested:

§  Ability to visualize and understand the impact of changing positions in a numerical sequence.

§  Logical reasoning to deduce the resulting sequence after positions are switched.


  • Number Test:
    • Purpose: Evaluates numerical reasoning skills essential for aptitude tests and competitive exams.
    • Applications: Used in various contexts to assess logical thinking and problem-solving abilities related to numerical patterns.
  • Position Switching of Numbers:
    • Purpose: Tests the ability to predict and analyze changes in numerical sequences.
    • Applications: Develops skills applicable to fields requiring analytical thinking, such as mathematics, programming, and data analysis.


  • Educational Context:
    • Integral in aptitude tests, entrance exams, and assessments requiring quantitative reasoning.
    • Enhances mathematical aptitude and logical deduction skills.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Useful in professions requiring analytical skills, such as finance, engineering, and scientific research.
    • Develops problem-solving capabilities in scenarios involving numerical patterns and sequence manipulation.


Understanding and mastering the concepts of the Number Test and Position Switching of Numbers involves practice, pattern recognition, and logical reasoning. These skills are crucial for success in assessments and practical applications requiring numerical proficiency and problem-solving abilities. Regular practice and exposure to various types of questions will enhance proficiency in these areas, leading to improved performance in academic and professional settings.

How many 4's are there preceded by 7 but not followed by 3? 5 9 3 2 1 7 4 2 6 9 7 4 6 1 3 2 8

7 4 1 3 8 3 2 5 6 7 4 3 9 5 8 2 0 1 8 7 4 6 3.

To find how many occurrences of the digit '4' are there that are preceded by '7' but not followed by '3' in the given sequence, let's analyze step by step:


Copy code

5 9 3 2 1 7 4 2 6 9 7 4 6 1 3 2 8 7 4 1 3 8 3 2 5 6 7 4 3 9 5 8 2 0 1 8 7 4 6 3

1.        Identify instances where '4' is preceded by '7':

o    In the sequence, we have:

§  7 4 (position 7)

§  7 4 (position 19)

§  7 4 (position 37)

2.        Check if these instances of '4' are not followed by '3':

o    At position 7: 7 4 2 (followed by '2')

o    At position 19: 7 4 6 (followed by '6')

o    At position 37: 7 4 6 (followed by '6')

3.        Count the valid occurrences:

o    There are 3 instances where '4' is preceded by '7' and not followed by '3' in the sequence.

Therefore, the answer is 3. There are 3 occurrences of the digit '4' that are preceded by '7' but not followed by '3' in the given sequence.

Study the number series given below and answer the questions that follow:

7 8 9 7 6 5 3 4 2 8 9 7 2 4 5 9 2 9 7 6 4 7.

How many 7s are preceded by 9 and followed by 6?

'7' are preceded by '9' and followed by '6':

Number series:

Copy code

7 8 9 7 6 5 3 4 2 8 9 7 2 4 5 9 2 9 7 6 4 7

1.        Identify instances where '7' is preceded by '9' and followed by '6':

o    In the sequence, we have:

§  9 7 6 (position 19)

2.        Count the valid occurrence:

o    There is 1 instance where '7' is preceded by '9' and followed by '6' in the sequence.

Therefore, the answer is 1. There is 1 occurrence of the digit '7' that is preceded by '9' and followed by '6' in the given number series.

If the first and second digits in the sequence 5981327438 are interchanged, also the third and

fourth digits, the fifth and sixth digits and so on, which digit would be the seventh counting to your


To solve this problem, we will interchange pairs of digits in the sequence 5981327438 according to the given pattern and then determine which digit becomes the seventh when counted from the left after the changes.

Original sequence: 5981327438

Interchanging pairs of digits:

  • 1st and 2nd digits: 5 9 -> 9 5
  • 3rd and 4th digits: 8 1 -> 1 8
  • 5th and 6th digits: 3 2 -> 2 3
  • 7th and 8th digits: 7 4 -> 4 7
  • 9th digit remains the same: 3 8 -> 3 8

Modified sequence after interchanging:

  • 9571832438

Now, counting from the left, the seventh digit in the modified sequence is 2.

Therefore, after interchanging pairs of digits as specified, the seventh digit when counted from the left is 2.

The position of the second and the 8th digit of the number 39128564 are interchanged. The

position of the first and sixth digits is interchanged and the positions of the third and seventh digits

are interchanged. Which of the following will be third digit left of the 3 after the re-arrangement.

Original number: 39128564

1.        Interchanging the second and eighth digits:

o    Second digit (9) moves to the eighth position.

o    Eighth digit (4) moves to the second position.

New arrangement after this step: 34128569

2.        Interchanging the first and sixth digits:

o    First digit (3) moves to the sixth position.

o    Sixth digit (5) moves to the first position.

New arrangement after this step: 54328169

3.        Interchanging the third and seventh digits:

o    Third digit (3) moves to the seventh position.

o    Seventh digit (1) moves to the third position.

Final arrangement after all interchanges: 54128369

Now, we need to find the third digit to the left of the digit '3' after rearrangement:

  • Locate the digit '3' in the sequence: 54128369
  • Count three digits to the left of '3': The digits are 2, 8, and 1.

Therefore, the third digit to the left of the digit '3' after rearrangement is 1.

Unit 12: Ranking and Time Sequence Test

12.1 Ranking Test

12.2 Time Sequence Test

12.3 Problems on Ranking and Time Sequence Test

Unit 12: Ranking and Time Sequence Test

This unit focuses on evaluating your ability to understand and solve problems related to ranking and time sequence. These tests assess logical reasoning and your ability to interpret and organize information in a sequential manner.

12.1 Ranking Test


  • The Ranking Test evaluates your ability to arrange items or individuals based on given criteria such as height, weight, rank, or any other measurable attribute.
  • It involves arranging items in ascending or descending order according to specified rules or conditions.

Types of Questions:

1.        Sequential Ranking: Arranging items in a sequence based on a particular order or rank.

2.        Comparative Ranking: Comparing the positions or ranks of different items based on given criteria.

Skills Tested:

  • Ability to interpret and follow ranking rules or criteria.
  • Logical thinking to deduce the correct sequence based on given information.

12.2 Time Sequence Test


  • The Time Sequence Test assesses your ability to arrange events, dates, or occurrences in chronological order.
  • It involves understanding timelines and sequences of events based on historical, logical, or hypothetical contexts.

Types of Questions:

1.        Chronological Order: Arranging events or occurrences in the correct chronological sequence.

2.        Temporal Relationships: Determining the sequence of events based on their occurrence or timing.

Skills Tested:

  • Ability to understand and interpret temporal relationships.
  • Logical reasoning to place events or occurrences in the correct chronological order.

12.3 Problems on Ranking and Time Sequence Test


  • These are practical problems or scenarios that apply concepts from ranking and time sequence tests to real-world or abstract situations.
  • They often require logical deduction and the ability to apply sequential reasoning skills.


1.        Ranking Problem: Arrange a group of individuals based on their heights from tallest to shortest.

2.        Time Sequence Problem: Arrange historical events in the order they occurred.

Skills Tested:

  • Application of ranking rules or chronological sequencing rules.
  • Logical deduction to solve problems involving ranking and time sequence.


  • Educational Context:
    • Essential for competitive exams, aptitude tests, and assessments requiring logical reasoning.
    • Enhances analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Useful in professions involving data analysis, project management, and historical research.
    • Develops critical thinking abilities applicable to various scenarios requiring sequence interpretation.


Unit 12 on Ranking and Time Sequence Test is designed to enhance your logical reasoning abilities through exercises that involve arranging items by rank or chronological order. By mastering these concepts and practicing various types of questions, you can improve your ability to interpret and organize information sequentially, which is valuable in academic, professional, and everyday contexts. Regular practice and a clear understanding of ranking and time sequence principles will help you excel in assessments and real-life situations requiring analytical thinking and logical deduction.

Summary: Ranking and Time Sequence Test

1.        Ranking Test

o    Definition: Evaluates the ability to arrange items or individuals based on specific criteria such as height, weight, rank, or any measurable attribute.

o    Types of Questions:

§  Sequential Ranking: Arranging items in a sequence according to a specified order.

§  Comparative Ranking: Comparing positions or ranks of different items based on given criteria.

o    Skills Tested:

§  Ability to interpret and apply ranking rules accurately.

§  Logical reasoning to deduce the correct sequence based on provided information.

2.        Time Sequence Test

o    Definition: Assesses the ability to arrange events, dates, or occurrences in chronological order.

o    Types of Questions:

§  Chronological Order: Placing events or occurrences in the correct temporal sequence.

§  Temporal Relationships: Understanding the order of events based on their occurrence or timing.

o    Skills Tested:

§  Ability to interpret temporal relationships accurately.

§  Logical deduction to arrange events or dates in the correct chronological sequence.

Key Learning Points

  • Understanding Different Types of Questions on Ranking Test:
    • Recognizing the need to arrange items based on specific criteria like rank or measurable attributes.
    • Practicing sequential and comparative ranking scenarios to enhance problem-solving skills.
  • Understanding Different Types of Questions on Time Sequence Test:
    • Developing the ability to organize events or occurrences based on their chronological order.
    • Applying logical reasoning to determine temporal relationships and arrange events sequentially.


  • Educational Context:
    • Essential for competitive exams, aptitude tests, and assessments requiring logical reasoning and sequence interpretation.
    • Improves analytical skills and ability to solve problems involving data sequencing.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Valuable in professions involving project management, historical research, and data analysis.
    • Enhances critical thinking abilities needed to interpret and organize information sequentially in various real-world scenarios.


Unit 12 on Ranking and Time Sequence Test equips learners with essential skills in interpreting and organizing information based on ranking criteria and chronological order. By mastering the types of questions and practicing different scenarios, individuals can strengthen their logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities. These skills are crucial for academic success, professional development, and everyday decision-making processes requiring sequential analysis and deduction. Regular practice and understanding of ranking and time sequence principles will foster proficiency and confidence in tackling related challenges effectively.

Keywords: Ranking Test and Time Sequence Test

Ranking Test


  • The Ranking Test evaluates the ability to arrange items, individuals, or entities based on specific criteria such as height, weight, rank, or other measurable attributes.
  • It involves organizing items in ascending or descending order according to predefined rules or conditions.

Types of Questions:

1.        Sequential Ranking:

o    Arranging items in a sequence based on a specified order or rank.

o    Example: Arrange students based on their test scores from highest to lowest.

2.        Comparative Ranking:

o    Comparing the positions or ranks of different items based on given criteria.

o    Example: Compare the heights of two individuals to determine who is taller.

Skills Tested:

  • Ability to interpret and apply ranking rules accurately.
  • Logical reasoning to deduce the correct sequence based on provided information.

Time Sequence Test


  • The Time Sequence Test assesses the ability to arrange events, dates, or occurrences in chronological order.
  • It involves understanding and interpreting the sequence of events based on their historical, logical, or hypothetical contexts.

Types of Questions:

1.        Chronological Order:

o    Arranging events or occurrences in the correct temporal sequence.

o    Example: Arrange historical events in the order they occurred.

2.        Temporal Relationships:

o    Determining the sequence of events based on their occurrence or timing.

o    Example: Determine which event happened first or last based on provided timelines.

Skills Tested:

  • Ability to interpret temporal relationships accurately.
  • Logical deduction to arrange events or dates in the correct chronological sequence.

Key Points

  • Importance in Testing:
    • Essential for various competitive exams, aptitude tests, and assessments requiring logical reasoning and sequence interpretation.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Valuable in professions such as project management, historical research, and data analysis.
    • Enhances critical thinking abilities needed for interpreting and organizing information sequentially in practical scenarios.


Understanding the concepts of Ranking Test and Time Sequence Test is crucial for developing logical reasoning skills and problem-solving abilities. These tests not only prepare individuals for academic assessments but also equip them with essential skills applicable in real-world scenarios requiring sequence interpretation and logical deduction. Mastery of these concepts through practice and understanding of the underlying principles will enhance proficiency and confidence in tackling related challenges effectively.

Rohan ranks 7th from the top and 26th from the bottom in the class. How many students are

there in the class?

To determine the total number of students in Rohan's class, we use the information provided about his rankings:

  • Rohan ranks 7th from the top.
  • Rohan ranks 26th from the bottom.

Let's denote:

  • TTT as the total number of students in the class.

From the top, Rohan is 7th, meaning there are 6 students above him: Number of students above Rohan=7−1=6\text{Number of students above Rohan} = 7 - 1 = 6Number of students above Rohan=7−1=6

From the bottom, Rohan is 26th, meaning there are 25 students below him: Number of students below Rohan=26−1=25\text{Number of students below Rohan} = 26 - 1 = 25Number of students below Rohan=26−1=25

The total number of students TTT in the class is the sum of students above and below Rohan, including Rohan himself: T=Number of students above Rohan+Number of students below Rohan+1T = \text{Number of students above Rohan} + \text{Number of students below Rohan} + 1T=Number of students above Rohan+Number of students below Rohan+1 T=6+25+1T = 6 + 25 + 1T=6+25+1 T=32T = 32T=32

Therefore, the total number of students in Rohan's class is 32\boxed{32}32​.

Manik is 14th from the right end in the row of 40 students. What is his position from the left end?

To find Manik's position from the left end of the row, given that he is 14th from the right end in a row of 40 students, follow these steps:

1.        Identify Total Positions:

o    Total number of students in the row = 40.

2.        Calculate Position from Left End:

o    Manik's position from the left end can be found by subtracting his position from the total number of students and then adding 1 (to include Manik himself).

Position from left end=(Total number of students+1)−(Position from right end)\text{Position from left end} = (\text{Total number of students} + 1) - (\text{Position from right end})Position from left end=(Total number of students+1)−(Position from right end)

Position from left end=(40+1)−14\text{Position from left end} = (40 + 1) - 14Position from left end=(40+1)−14 Position from left end=41−14\text{Position from left end} = 41 - 14Position from left end=41−14 Position from left end=27\text{Position from left end} = 27Position from left end=27

Therefore, Manik's position from the left end of the row is 27\boxed{27}27​.

In a row of boys facing the north, A is 16th from the left end and C is 16th from the right end. B,

who is 4th to the right of A, is 5th to the left of C, in a row. How many boys are there in a row?

4. In a row of students, Anil is 7th from left, while Sunil is 18th from right. Both of them

interchanged their positions such that Anil becomes 21st from left. What will be the total number of

students in the class?

To determine the total number of boys in the row based on the given information:


  • A is 16th from the left end.
  • C is 16th from the right end.
  • B is 4th to the right of A.
  • B is 5th to the left of C.

Let's solve step by step:

1.        Positions of A and C:

o    A is 16th from the left end.

o    C is 16th from the right end.

Total number of boys TTT in the row: T=Position of A from left+Position of C from right−1T = \text{Position of A from left} + \text{Position of C from right} - 1T=Position of A from left+Position of C from right−1 T=16+16−1T = 16 + 16 - 1T=16+16−1 T=31T = 31T=31

So, there are 31 boys in the row.

2.        Position of B relative to A and C:

o    B is 4th to the right of A.

o    B is 5th to the left of C.

Let's calculate B's position:

o    Position of B from left end: Position of B=Position of A+4\text{Position of B} = \text{Position of A} + 4Position of B=Position of A+4 Position of B=16+4\text{Position of B} = 16 + 4Position of B=16+4 Position of B=20\text{Position of B} = 20Position of B=20

o    Position of B from right end: Position of B=Position of C−5\text{Position of B} = \text{Position of C} - 5Position of B=Position of C−5 Position of B=16−5\text{Position of B} = 16 - 5Position of B=16−5 Position of B=11\text{Position of B} = 11Position of B=11

Both calculations confirm that B is indeed 20th from the left and 11th from the right.

Therefore, the total number of boys in the row is 31\boxed{31}31​.

Mohan is taller than Shyam but shorter than Ramesh. Ramesh is taller than Rajat but shorter than

Gautam. If Shyam is taller than Rajat, then who is the shortest among all?

Based on the given information:

  • Mohan is taller than Shyam but shorter than Ramesh.
  • Ramesh is taller than Rajat but shorter than Gautam.
  • Shyam is taller than Rajat.

Let's analyze the relationships step by step:

1.        Height Order Deduction:

o    From the information:

§  Ramesh > Mohan > Shyam

§  Gautam > Ramesh > Rajat

2.        Comparing Heights:

o    Ramesh is taller than Mohan and Shyam.

o    Gautam is taller than Ramesh and Rajat.

3.        Identifying the Shortest:

o    Shyam is taller than Rajat.

From the given comparisons:

  • Gautam > Ramesh > Mohan > Shyam > Rajat

Therefore, Rajat is the shortest among all based on the given conditions.

Unit 13: Direction Sense Test

13.1 General Directions

13.2 Casting of Shadows

13.3 Distance Related Questions

13.4 Left Right Movement

13.5 Direction Puzzles

13.6 Problems on Direction Sense Test

13.1 General Directions


  • General Directions involve the cardinal directions: North, South, East, and West.
  • Intermediate directions include Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Southwest (SW), and Northwest (NW).
  • Questions typically involve understanding movements or positions relative to these directions.

Skills Tested:

  • Ability to identify and apply directions correctly.
  • Logical reasoning to determine movements or positions based on given directions.

13.2 Casting of Shadows


  • Casting of Shadows refers to understanding the direction in which shadows fall based on the position of the sun or light source.
  • Questions involve determining the direction of shadows at specific times of the day.

Skills Tested:

  • Understanding the concept of shadow formation.
  • Applying knowledge of sun's position and its impact on shadow direction.

13.3 Distance Related Questions


  • Distance Related Questions involve determining distances between points or locations in specific directions.
  • Questions may require calculating shortest or alternative routes based on directional changes.

Skills Tested:

  • Calculation of distances in different directions.
  • Application of direction sense to determine optimal paths or routes.

13.4 Left Right Movement


  • Left Right Movement questions assess the ability to determine movements or positions based on left or right turns from a starting point.
  • Questions may involve sequential movements or changes in direction.

Skills Tested:

  • Ability to visualize and execute directional changes.
  • Logical deduction to follow sequential instructions involving left and right turns.

13.5 Direction Puzzles


  • Direction Puzzles are complex problems that require applying direction sense in solving puzzles or riddles.
  • These may involve multiple steps or conditions affecting directional movements.

Skills Tested:

  • Critical thinking to decode and solve directional puzzles.
  • Integration of multiple directional clues to arrive at the correct solution.

13.6 Problems on Direction Sense Test


  • Problems on Direction Sense Test combine various aspects of direction sense, including general directions, distance calculations, shadow casting, left-right movements, and puzzles.
  • These problems simulate real-world scenarios requiring logical reasoning and spatial orientation skills.

Skills Tested:

  • Comprehensive application of direction sense concepts.
  • Problem-solving under time constraints or complex conditions.

Key Learning Points

  • Understanding General and Intermediate Directions:
    • Recognition and application of cardinal and intermediate directions in various contexts.
  • Shadow Casting and Distance Calculation:
    • Understanding how shadows are cast and calculating distances based on directional movements.
  • Left-Right Movements and Direction Puzzles:
    • Ability to interpret and execute movements involving left and right turns, and solving complex directional puzzles.


  • Educational Context:
    • Essential for competitive exams, aptitude tests, and assessments requiring spatial reasoning and directional sense.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Valuable in navigation, logistics, and spatial planning.
    • Enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in everyday scenarios involving directions.


Unit 13 on Direction Sense Test equips learners with essential skills in understanding and applying directional concepts. Mastery of these skills through practice and understanding of the underlying principles will enhance proficiency and confidence in tackling related challenges effectively. Regular practice and exposure to various types of direction-related problems will reinforce spatial reasoning and logical deduction abilities, crucial for both academic and practical applications.

Summary: Unit 13 - Direction Sense Test

Key Concepts Learned

1.        Understanding Distance Related Questions

o    Definition: Distance related questions involve calculating distances between points or locations in specific directions.

o    Skills Learned:

§  Ability to calculate distances based on given directional cues.

§  Application of direction sense to determine optimal routes or shortest paths.

2.        Left Right Movement

o    Definition: Left Right Movement questions assess the ability to follow directions involving left and right turns from a starting point.

o    Skills Learned:

§  Visualizing and executing directional changes based on sequential instructions.

§  Logical deduction to navigate through given movements effectively.

3.        Shadow Type Questions of Directions Test

o    Definition: Shadow type questions require understanding the direction of shadows cast based on the position of the sun or a light source.

o    Skills Learned:

§  Understanding how shadows are formed and determining their direction at different times of the day.

§  Applying knowledge of the sun's position relative to objects or individuals.

4.        Puzzle Type of Direction Sense Test

o    Definition: Puzzle type questions in direction sense involve solving complex problems or riddles that require applying directional clues.

o    Skills Learned:

§  Critical thinking to decode and solve puzzles involving directional clues.

§  Integration of multiple directional cues to arrive at a logical solution.

Applications of Learning

  • Educational Context:
    • Essential for competitive exams, aptitude tests, and assessments that evaluate spatial reasoning and directional sense.
    • Provides foundational skills for logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Valuable in navigation, logistics, and spatial planning.
    • Enhances everyday decision-making by improving directional awareness and problem-solving skills.


Unit 13 - Direction Sense Test covers essential concepts in understanding and applying directional sense. Mastery of these skills through practice and application in various scenarios enhances proficiency in spatial reasoning and logical deduction. Regular practice with distance calculations, left-right movements, shadow type questions, and puzzle-solving reinforces these skills, preparing individuals for both academic and real-world challenges requiring directional awareness and problem-solving abilities.


1.        Distance

o    Definition: Distance refers to the measurement of how far apart two points are.

o    Usage: In direction sense tests, distance often involves calculating the length or space between locations or objects based on given directional cues.

2.        Directions

o    Definition: Directions indicate the path or course along which someone or something moves, faces, or points.

o    Usage: Directions include cardinal directions (North, South, East, West) and intermediate directions (North-East, South-East, South-West, North-West). They are crucial in navigation and understanding spatial relationships.

3.        East

o    Definition: East is the direction towards the point on the horizon where the sun rises.

o    Usage: It is one of the primary cardinal directions and is often used to indicate a specific orientation or position relative to other directions.

4.        West

o    Definition: West is the direction towards the point on the horizon where the sun sets.

o    Usage: Like East, West is a cardinal direction and is used to denote a specific orientation or location relative to other directions.

5.        South

o    Definition: South is the direction towards the Earth's South Pole.

o    Usage: It is a cardinal direction used to describe a particular orientation or position relative to other directions.

6.        North

o    Definition: North is the direction towards the Earth's North Pole.

o    Usage: North is a cardinal direction that indicates a specific orientation or position relative to other directions.

7.        South-East

o    Definition: South-East is the direction halfway between South and East.

o    Usage: It is an intermediate direction that denotes a position or movement towards the southeastern quadrant.

8.        North-East

o    Definition: North-East is the direction halfway between North and East.

o    Usage: It is an intermediate direction indicating a position or movement towards the northeastern quadrant.

9.        South-West

o    Definition: South-West is the direction halfway between South and West.

o    Usage: It is an intermediate direction describing a position or movement towards the southwestern quadrant.

10.     North-West

o    Definition: North-West is the direction halfway between North and West.

o    Usage: It is an intermediate direction denoting a position or movement towards the northwestern quadrant.


  • Educational Context:
    • Crucial for competitive exams, aptitude tests, and assessments requiring spatial reasoning and directional awareness.
    • Fundamental in understanding navigation and geographical positioning.
  • Real-Life Applications:
    • Essential in everyday navigation, travel, and logistics.
    • Improves decision-making by enhancing directional awareness and spatial orientation skills.


Understanding these keywords in the context of direction sense tests is essential for mastering spatial reasoning and logical deduction. Regular practice with these concepts strengthens one's ability to interpret and apply directions effectively in various scenarios, from academic assessments to real-world navigation challenges.

Satish starts from his house and takes two right turns and then one left turn. Now he is moving

towards south. In which direction Satish started from his house?

analyze the movements of Satish based on the given information:

1.        Satish starts from his house.

2.        He takes two right turns.

3.        After taking these right turns, he takes one left turn.

4.        Now, he is moving towards south.

To determine the initial direction Satish started from his house, we need to trace back his movements:

  • First Right Turn: If Satish starts facing North and takes a right turn, he would face East.
  • Second Right Turn: Another right turn from East would make him face South.
  • Left Turn: A left turn from facing South would then make him face East again.

Therefore, based on his final direction after taking the turns (South), and retracing the path backward:

  • Satish started from his house facing East.


A man is facing west. He turns 45° in the clockwise direction and then another 180° in the same

direction and then 270° in the anti-clockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?

1.        Initial Direction: The man is facing West.

2.        First Turn (Clockwise 45°):

o    Turning 45° clockwise from West:

§  West → North-West

3.        Second Turn (Clockwise 180°):

o    Turning 180° clockwise from North-West:

§  North-West → South-East

4.        Third Turn (Anti-clockwise 270°):

o    Turning 270° anti-clockwise from South-East:

§  South-East → East (after 270° anti-clockwise is equivalent to 90° clockwise)

Therefore, after performing all the turns, the man is facing East.

Sumi ran a distance of 40 m towards South. She then turned to the right and ran for about 15 m,

turned right again and ran 50 m. Turning to right then ran for 15 m. Finally, she turned to the left

an angle of 45° and ran. In which direction was she running finally?

Sumi's movements step by step:

1.        Sumi starts by running 40 m towards South.

o    Initial direction: South

2.        She turns to the right and runs 15 m.

o    Right turn from South: West

o    Distance covered: 15 m

3.        Next, she turns right again and runs 50 m.

o    Right turn from West: North

o    Distance covered: 50 m

4.        Then, she turns right again and runs 15 m.

o    Right turn from North: East

o    Distance covered: 15 m

5.        Finally, she turns left at an angle of 45° and runs.

o    Left turn from East: North-East

Therefore, after all these movements, Sumi is running in the North-East direction


child is looking for his father. He went 90 metres in the east before turning to his right. He

went 20 metres before turning to his right again to look for his father at his uncles place 30 metres

from this point. His father was not there. From there, he went 100 metres to his north before

meeting his father in a street. How far did the son meet his father from the starting point?

1.        Initial Movement:

o    Child goes 90 meters towards the East.

o    Starting point to this point: East (90 meters)

2.        First Turn:

o    Child turns right (South).

o    Distance covered: 20 meters

o    New position: South (20 meters from the starting point)

3.        Second Turn:

o    Child turns right again (West) towards his uncle's place.

o    Distance covered: 30 meters

o    New position: West (30 meters from the second turn point)

4.        Movement towards Father:

o    Child goes 100 meters to the North.

o    New position: North (100 meters from the second turn point)

Now, let's calculate the final position relative to the starting point:

  • From the starting point, the child moved 90 meters East, then 20 meters South, and finally 30 meters West before heading North 100 meters.
  • The net effect of these movements is that the child ends up 90 meters East and 20 meters South of the starting point.

To find the direct distance from the starting point to where the child meets his father:

Distance=(90 m)2+(20 m)2\text{Distance} = \sqrt{(90 \text{ m})^2 + (20 \text{ m})^2}Distance=(90 m)2+(20 m)2​ Distance=8100+400\text{Distance} = \sqrt{8100 + 400}Distance=8100+400​ Distance=8500\text{Distance} = \sqrt{8500}Distance=8500​ Distance≈92.2 meters\text{Distance} \approx 92.2 \text{ meters}Distance≈92.2 meters

Therefore, the child meets his father approximately 92.2 meters from the starting point.


Deepa moved a distance of 75 metres towards the north. She then turned to the left and walking

for about 25 metres, turned left again and walked 80 metres. Finally, she turned to the right at an

angle of 45°. In which direction was she moving finally?

1.        Deepa moves 75 meters towards the North.

o    Initial direction: North

2.        She turns to the left and walks 25 meters.

o    Left turn from North: West

o    Distance covered: 25 meters

3.        Next, she turns left again and walks 80 meters.

o    Left turn from West: South

o    Distance covered: 80 meters

4.        Finally, she turns to the right at an angle of 45°.

o    Right turn from South: South-West

Therefore, after all these movements, Deepa is moving in the South-West direction.

Unit 14: Blood Relation

14.1 Types of Questions on Blood Relation

14.2 Family or Blood Relations Test

14.3 Family/Blood Relations Described General

14.4 Relationships Involving the Term -in-law General

14.5 Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law and Daughter-in-law

14.6 Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law

14.7 Half Sibling and Step Relations

1.        Types of Questions on Blood Relation

o    Definition: Questions on blood relations typically involve identifying relationships between individuals based on familial connections.

o    Examples: These questions may include determining parent-child relationships, sibling relationships, and extended family relationships.

2.        Family or Blood Relations Test

o    Definition: A test or set of questions designed to assess one's ability to understand and analyze familial connections.

o    Purpose: Tests understanding of terminology, hierarchy, and roles within a family structure.

3.        Family/Blood Relations Described General

o    Definition: General descriptions of family relations focus on clarifying terminology and understanding roles.

o    Examples: Includes explanations of terms like parents, siblings, cousins, etc., and their respective positions in the family tree.

4.        Relationships Involving the Term ‘-in-law’ General

o    Definition: Explains relationships formed through marriage using the suffix "-in-law."

o    Examples: Father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, etc., denote relationships formed by marriage rather than by blood.

5.        Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law and Daughter-in-law

o    Definition: Specific relationships formed through marriage:

§  Father-in-law: The father of one's spouse.

§  Mother-in-law: The mother of one's spouse.

§  Son-in-law: The husband of one's daughter.

§  Daughter-in-law: The wife of one's son.

6.        Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law

o    Definition: Relationships formed through marriage between siblings:

§  Brother-in-law: The husband of one's sister or the brother of one's spouse.

§  Sister-in-law: The wife of one's brother or the sister of one's spouse.

7.        **Half S

ibling and Step Relations**

  • Definition: Differentiates between blood-related siblings and those who share only one biological parent (half siblings), as well as individuals related through the marriage of a parent (step relations).
  • Examples:
    • Half Sibling: Someone who shares one biological parent with another sibling.
    • Step Sibling: Someone who becomes a sibling through the marriage of a parent, where no biological relationship exists.

Understanding these concepts in blood relations helps in accurately interpreting and solving questions that involve family relationships. Each category within Unit 14 provides clarity on terminology and the structural dynamics of familial connections, crucial for reasoning and analytical tests involving human relationships.


Summary: Unit 14 - Blood Relation

1.        Family or Blood Relationship

o    Key Concepts Learned:

§  Understanding and identifying familial connections based on blood relations.

§  Recognizing roles such as parents, siblings, cousins, etc., in a family structure.

§  Ability to deduce relationships based on direct biological connections.

2.        Relationships Involving the Term ‘-in-law’ General

o    Key Concepts Learned:

§  Defining relationships formed through marriage using the suffix "-in-law".

§  Examples include father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, etc.

§  Understanding these relationships as connected through marriage rather than blood ties.

3.        Relationships Involving Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law, and Daughter-in-law

o    Key Concepts Learned:

§  Specific definitions and identification of roles in marriage-related relationships:

§  Father-in-law: The father of one's spouse.

§  Mother-in-law: The mother of one's spouse.

§  Son-in-law: The husband of one's daughter.

§  Daughter-in-law: The wife of one's son.

§  Understanding the dynamics and positions these individuals hold within a family.

4.        Relationships Involving Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law

o    Key Concepts Learned:

§  Recognizing relationships formed through marriage between siblings:

§  Brother-in-law: The husband of one's sister or the brother of one's spouse.

§  Sister-in-law: The wife of one's brother or the sister of one's spouse.

§  Differentiating between these roles based on marital connections rather than biological ties.

5.        Relationships Half Sibling and Step Relations

o    Key Concepts Learned:

§  Understanding the distinction between:

§  Half Sibling: Individuals who share one biological parent.

§  Step Sibling: Individuals who become siblings through the marriage of a parent, without biological relation.

§  Identifying these relationships within blended families and their implications in familial dynamics.

By mastering these concepts, one gains proficiency in solving complex reasoning problems involving family relationships. These skills are essential for various competitive exams and reasoning tests that assess logical thinking and relationship analysis.

Keywords: Blood Relationship, Relationships based Puzzles, Coded Relations

1.        Blood Relationship

o    Definition: Refers to the familial connections based on biological ties.

o    Key Points:

§  Understanding Family Structures: Recognizing relationships like parents, siblings, cousins, etc., based on direct biological descent.

§  Problem Solving: Solving problems that involve identifying relationships using clues about direct biological connections.

§  Examples: Questions typically involve determining who is related to whom in a family tree, based on given relationships.

2.        Relationships based Puzzles

o    Definition: Puzzles or logical problems that involve deciphering family relationships.

o    Key Points:

§  Logical Deduction: Requires logical deduction and reasoning skills to solve.

§  Types of Puzzles: Could involve scenarios where relationships are given indirectly or through clues, requiring deduction to establish connections.

§  Examples: Solving puzzles like "A is the father of B, who is married to C," and deducing who C's in-laws are.

3.        Coded Relations

o    Definition: Relations that are not straightforward and may involve hidden or indirect information.

o    Key Points:

§  Deciphering Codes: Involves decoding relationships from coded information or indirect references.

§  Logical Analysis: Requires logical analysis and inference to understand the relationships.

§  Examples: Questions where relationships are described in coded language or symbolic representations, and one needs to decode them to understand the family connections.

By mastering these keywords, one gains proficiency in analyzing and solving complex problems related to family relationships, often tested in competitive exams and reasoning assessments. Understanding these concepts helps in developing logical thinking and problem-solving abilities related to familial structures and relationships.

Pointing to Ajay, Radha said, His father is the only son of my grandfather. How is Radha Related to Ajay?Top of Form

Based on the statement "His father is the only son of my grandfather" made by Radha, we can deduce the relationship between Radha and Ajay as follows:

  • Radha's grandfather has only one son.
  • Ajay's father is that only son of Radha's grandfather.

Therefore, Ajay's father is Radha's uncle. Consequently, Ajay is Radha's cousin. Hence, Radha is related to Ajay as his cousin.

Lalita said to Tina, You are the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of my fathers only son.

statement to determine the relationship between Lalita and Tina:

Lalita said to Tina, "You are the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of my father’s only son."

Here’s the analysis:

  • Lalita's Father's Only Son: This refers to Lalita's brother.
  • Grandmother of Lalita's Father's Only Son: This is Lalita and her brother's grandmother.
  • Tina: According to the statement, Tina is the daughter-in-law of Lalita and her brother's grandmother.

So, Tina is married to the son of Lalita and her brother's grandmother. Therefore, Tina is the daughter-in-law of Lalita's brother, making Lalita and Tina related through marriage (sisters-in-law).

Pointing to a photograph, Amar said, I have no brother or sister but that mans father is my fathers son. Whose photograph, was it? How is Lalita related to Tina?Bottom of Form

Let's analyze Amar's statement to determine whose photograph he is referring to:

Amar said, "I have no brother or sister but that man’s father is my father’s son."

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Amar has no brother or sister: This means Amar is talking about himself and any reference to siblings is about absence.
  • That man’s father is my father’s son: This statement implies that the man's father is Amar himself, because in familial terms, Amar's father’s son would be Amar.

Therefore, the photograph Amar is pointing to is of Amar's own son. This conclusion arises because Amar states that the man's father (in the photograph) is Amar's father’s son, which directly refers to Amar himself.

Regarding Lalita and Tina's relationship, as previously discussed:

  • Lalita said to Tina, "You are the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of my father’s only son."
  • This means Tina is married to Lalita's brother (Lalita's father’s only son).
  • Therefore, Lalita and Tina are sisters-in-law.


Looking at the portrait of a man, Ashok said, His mother is the wife of my fathers son. Brothers and sisters, I have none. At whose portrait was Ashok looking?Top of Form

Ashok said, "His mother is the wife of my father’s son. Brothers and sisters, I have none."

Here’s the analysis:

  • Ashok's father’s son: This refers to Ashok himself, as Ashok is stating that he has no brothers or sisters.
  • His mother is the wife of my father’s son: This statement means that the man's mother is Ashok's wife.

Therefore, the portrait Ashok is looking at is of his own son. Ashok is saying that the man's mother (in the portrait) is Ashok's wife, which directly points to the fact that the man in the portrait is Ashok's son.

So, Ashok was looking at the portrait of his own son.

Ahmad said to Saira, Your only brothers son is my wifes brother. How is Saira related to the Ahmads wife?Top of Form

Ahmad said to Saira, "Your only brother’s son is my wife’s brother."

Here’s the analysis:

  • Your only brother’s son: This refers to Saira's nephew (her brother's son).
  • My wife’s brother: This means that Ahmad's wife's brother is Saira's nephew.

Therefore, Saira's nephew is Ahmad's wife's brother. This relationship can be understood as follows:

  • Saira's nephew is Ahmad's wife's brother.
  • Saira and Ahmad's wife are sisters-in-law.

So, Saira is Ahmad's sister-in-law.


Pointing to a gentleman, Abdul said, His only brother is the father of my daughters father. How is the gentleman related to Abdul?Top of Form

statement to determine how the gentleman is related to Abdul:

Abdul said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter’s father.”

Here’s the breakdown:

  • Abdul’s daughter’s father: This refers to Abdul himself.
  • His only brother: Refers to the gentleman's brother.
  • So, the gentleman's brother is Abdul.

Therefore, the gentleman is Abdul's father.

So, Abdul is pointing to his own father and saying that the gentleman's (his father's) only brother is Abdul himself.

Pointing to a man in a photograph, Malati tells, His brothers father is the only son of my grandfather.How is Malati related to the man in the photograph?Top of Form

Malati said, "His brother’s father is the only son of my grandfather."

Here’s the analysis:

  • His brother’s father: This refers to the father of the man in the photograph.
  • Only son of my grandfather: This means Malati's father, because if Malati's grandfather has only one son, that son is Malati's father.

Therefore, the man in the photograph is Malati's father.

So, Malati is the daughter of the man in the photograph.


Pointing to Dharmendra, Hema said, He is the son of my fathers only son. How is Dharmendras mother related to Hema?Top of Form

Dharmendra's mother is related to her:

Hema said, "He is the son of my father’s only son."

Here’s the breakdown:

  • My father’s only son: This refers to Hema's brother.
  • He is the son of my father’s only son: This means that Dharmendra is Hema's nephew (her brother's son).

Now, let's determine how Dharmendra's mother is related to Hema:

  • Dharmendra's mother is Hema's sister-in-law.

Therefore, Dharmendra's mother is Hema's brother's wife. They are related by the fact that Dharmendra is Hema's nephew through her brother.

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